Today started off by getting My Man and The Boy off to work/camp. I then did my AM Yoga DVD. I did the forward bend practice. Of course, I was not alone. Panny and Simon did a few cat yoga moves with me and then went off to eat a little. I was really sore from yesterday’s bike ride. My hamstrings hurt when I did the forward bend. I couldn’t go down as far as usual but by the end I felt better.
I want to give a shout out to my girl Heidi for sending me the linky link that showed me how to make links on WordPress. I knew it would be right there in front of my face and I wasn’t wrong! Thanks again Heidi!!!
My bike ride went well yesterday but during the middle of the ride I saw smoke in the distance and a helicopter hovering. Something was defiantly on fire. I told my assistant about this morning and she read the an apartment complex had a fire and it affected a section of apartments. I hope everyone is ok. By the time I left, the smoke was getting heavier and I was happy I got there when I did. It would have sucked to have to ride in it.
It looks like I will be doing Meatless Tuesday today. I had a protein smoothie while I drove to work today. I then had same salad I had on Monday for lunch. I also had some grapes and an apple with peanut butter for snacks. I have really been on a peanut butter kick lately. It is so yummy! I only eat the Trader Joes kind. Only peanuts and salt for me!
After work, I went and picked The Boy up from camp. Boys are weird. Yesterday I went to pick him up and he was like “What took you so long?” It was 4:30. Today I get there and he is unhappy because he said I came to early! It was 4:05. I can’t win!
When we got home he had to practice his piano. I must a admit, I totally forgot about it yesterday. He has his lesson tomorrow. He has one song memorized but not the second one. I am not to worried though since the second one is a new song and much longer then the first. After practice I did a little work on My Hotel Yorba and then is was time for dinner.
I made my self a veggie quesadilla using Trader Joe’s vegetable Marsala burger and cheese as the filling. I also had a side of black beans.
After dinner, I went out to hang out with the girls. For snack they got home-grown lettuce and broccoli. The broccoli heads are starting to go bad so I thought I would see if they would like them.
I sit outside with them while they eat and then scratch the ground, inside purple Dino and take dirt baths. Hawks are an issue. A little over a month ago a hawk killed our little chicken Sally. She was a Silkie and only weighed a pound or two, much smaller then the other two. I am still upset about it, so now I hang out with them while they free range. It is a good thing I do. When I went to put them up I saw a hawk fly away. It had been hiding in a tree about not to far away from the coop.
Plans for the rest of the night include riding the stationary bike for a least an hour and catching up on my DVR’d shows! Oh! I have a new Twitter handle – @myhotelyorba Go check it out and follow me…I will follow you!!
Question: How often do you go meatless? Where do you get your recipes?
We go meatless quite often, maybe 4 or 5 days out of 7. No recipes. Just put stuff together and hope for the best!
That is what I have been doing too. Let me know if you have any favorites!