So I am channeling my inner sloth…moving slow. When I woke up it took me about an hour to get the energy to get out of the bed and go to the bathroom. Then I had to get back in the bed to rest. I will not be surprised when if takes me a few hours to write this blog post.

Keeping me company
About four hours later…
I am not kidding, it is really four (maybe five) hours later. I have been keeping in my sloth groove. I did eat a little lunch around 2pm and took a shower! Hair update: Still got it!

Haven’t used it yet!
I also did like 20 minutes of work related stuff that all most knocked me out. I am not kidding. Talking on the phone is hard for me. It tires me out for a few reasons:
1. I have to move my mouth.
2. Moving my mouth and then speaking tends to make cough.
3. Coughing hurts. It hurts my chest. This make me tired
4. I have to think. Yes, when speaking I really try to pay attention (it is only polite) and that makes me tired. I am sure some would say that this has nothing to do with the chemo the way I keep a conversation going.
Today there doesn’t seem to be a “flow” in the blog post. You will just have to deal with it. Once again, the “thinking” issue tires me out. Last night is was so nice falling to sleep to Panny’s gentle motor of her purr and the random loud sigh/sneeze/ burp(I hope)/groan of Timber.

However, right when I was about to hit dreamland I heard crying. It was The Boy. I yelled out to him to see what was wrong but as My Man always says, it is not the BEST way to communicate. Luckily My Man heard him and came upstairs to find out the problem was. Now, don’t worry friends…the crying had NOTHING to do with mom having CANCER! Nope! He had lost his “Man of Steel” and other “stuff” he had designed on Minecraft (for those who do not have a 6-12 year old boy) because his battery ran out. Juicy tears this caused! Wailing! Life is so not fair!! How will he ever get enough iron to make it all again! The Horror of life!
1. Do they not have save button on that game?
2. How many time must I tell him to charge the tablet!?!
I must say, I am happy with the way he is dealing with all this (the cancer, not the game). He is a super strong boy. I know when I have to shave my head he will be upset. I think if My Man shaves his head, The Boy is going to be embarrassed. Poor thing. I tell him that My Man’s hair will grow back in a week!
There are a lost of you out there who have been so kind to us over the past few weeks. Here are a few shout outs for today:
Pat- got the chocolates today!
Jason Grady- Thanks for the food!
Dona- Thank you for the food! (sorry I missed you)
Kysha-Thanks for the sweet card and tea! ( I am using the lip stuff today).
Robin & Family Thanks for Ginger treats, the Sate and Tiger shirts for The Boy and The Wine for My Man
Jennifer Sherwood-Using my cups today!
Aimee- Taking my Ginger and wearing my pink socks today!
Rebecca- Your late night text messages keep me laughing
Calanit-Thank you for organizing the food drop off!
Here are few pictures I took from the hospital. I am working on the Mac down in my office right now. I know! I took a FIELD TRIP!!

My Bling

Washing my hair in the hospital

Hospital Christmas Pole

Hanging out

Ready for Chemo

Cycle 1
So, I have this Port. Actually, I have two cause one is just not enough! For those who do not know what it is, this is how they give you them chemo, take blood, give other meds. If not, they would have to stick you each and every time. So even though I am out for a bit, I still have it in there. In fact I have to wear a fancy bracelet (or Eric the RN will come kick my ass. He will. He said so). that says I have it in.

Much better
This way if I am in a car wreak and they need to give me blood they don’t have to stick me. Happy Thoughts! I know I bruise easily but take a look! Ugh. The big bandage is still on because I am afraid to look at it!

And they say the Port is better (It really is but DAM!)
This post has worn me out! Later….
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