My Hotel Yorba Give Away!
Reader’s! My Hotel Yorba and doing its first ever giveaway! Woot! Woot! Over the next three days, three people (total) will have a chance to win their own Hotel Yorba key chain. I know right!?!
Here is what you need to do:
1. Comment on the next three days posts. You can comment as often as you want. Tell me what you like. Don’t like. What you want to see more of on the Blog. Do want to see an interview with Timber or Turbo? You tell me…as many times as you want.
2. I will remind you each day to comment. The contest will end Tuesday night @ midnight. On Wednesday morning, The Boy will randomly choose one person from each day’s comments as the winner. To make it fair and scientific, he will have his eyes closed.
3. Once the winners are picked, I will announce it on the blog. Now go enter to win!
Look what we got!
Doesn’t the sign rock? My Man’s Dad, Bob, sent this to us on Thursday. We were all excited when it came but had to wait a day to come up with ideas where to put it. I think The Boy wanted to put it into his room. Uh No. My Man suggested we drill it to the basketball post in the driveway. I pointed out that he hates that basketball post and has wanted to take it down since the day we moved in. Plus that would in tail a drill and who knows if we have one of those. We decided to hang it up in the screened in porch. I think it fits in perfectly.
Bob has sent us almost all of our Hotel Yorba items. We even have beach towels! I love that he gets it! Thank you again Bob!! You need to come down and visit us soon.
Hotel Yorba Landscape Project Update
We got our first quote from Green Acres Landscaping, Inc. yesterday. At first it wasn’t as high as I thought it would be but then I realized it did not in include the new fence, removal of a tree or the chicken coop. So who knows what it will cost. We also have a few questions for them so I am thinking a second meeting is warranted. I am impressed with their turn-around time. We have yet to hear from WDesign Landscape Inc. I am planning on giving her till Monday before I e-mail. That will give her a week and unlike Green Acres Landscaping, Inc., she is planning on sending us a mock-up design. Which we also want from Green Acres Landscaping, Inc! We have one more meeting set up for Tuesday with Dream Scape Designs.
Timber and Pandora
Timber and Pandora’s relationship is slowly moving a long. He whines whenever she comes is the room and she flops down and shows him her belly. They are getting closer and closer when napping or chilling in my office. I know Timber so badly wants to snuggle up close with her but is being a gentleman.
Shout Outs
Amy & Tommy A.- The dinner you made was off the chain! My Boys loved the beef brisket. Even I had some and it was so good. The potatoes and corn salad were wonderful! Thank you for thinking us!
Andy & Dee B.- Tom’s Mom’s Cookies?! Directly from Harbor Springs! I can still remember waking up to the smell of their cookies a few years ago. Love Harbor Springs and love you two more!
Oh Shay! I laughed out loud when I read “To make it fair and scientific, he will have his eyes closed.” Tom’s Mom’s Cookies! I remember going there and getting my first! (ok…several more than my first) Yum! And honestly…I would love if you interviewed all three of thee kids… would love to know what Panny and Simon think of Timber…and Timber’s thoughts on living at Hotel Yorba. Love the sign. Oh..and since I already have my Hotel Yorba key chain, don’t include my name in the drawing… Have a super day.
I would like to know more about your life and times as a bald person. Things like, do you swim faster as a bald person compared to a hair person? Do you have a desire to get a skull tattoo on your head? Or do biker gangs give you a thumbs up when they see you pass by? Is there a secret handshake that bald people give each other ? Inquiring minds want to know.
Yes, yes…I would love a Turbo interview!
I’m so happy to see you so happy!
That was great of Bob to send the sign. I am catching up on the blog while sitting in the Fort Lauderdale airport. It would be an interesting to see an interview with all of the furry friends plus the feather ones. Love you Momee
I knew you’d find a good place for the sign. Looks good!
I’d like a “He Said/She Said” interview with Pandora and Timber.
I came across your site as I was searching tichels. I too thought they’d make a better choice while goign through chemo which I’ll be starting in a few weeks. I’ve had a bilateral mastectomy so I won’t have breast cancer again, but pray its nowhere else! I can’t imagine having cancer 3 times! You are an inspiration
Can I call dibs on key chain 223?
If you are a winner I will see what I can do!
Hi Tammy, welcome to My Hotel Yorba! I have fallen in love with the tichels I have found. They are so easy to use and look fantastic. Make chemo and losing your hair a little bit easier. My thoughts and prayers are with yow. Keep in touch!
What comes attached to the key chain? The answer may determine if I want into the contest or not.
We have received our key chain I believe a few years ago or something THANKS.
I definitely want a Timber interview. I want to know what life was like before Hotel Yorba!
(Pssst…Hey Justin. Make sure I win the keychain and I’ll send you one of those tenderloin sandwiches like you had when you all l were up here for the Mini!)