Target Cancer

Happy Sunday!

I hope you are all having a wonderful morning. It was very raining here in the ATL on Saturday. If anyone watched the Georgia Tech game you saw. Poor kids. The sun is out today and I will be doing some cleaning in the garages. We have a huge dumpster at he end of the driveway and we plan to use it! Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Dry Creek Bed

Dry Creek Bed


There will be bushes soon!

There will be bushes soon!

Drainage problem fixed!

Drainage problem fixed!

Getting there

Getting there

He is licking her?? True Love!!!

He is licking her?? True Love!!!

Hanging out with Panny

Hanging out with Panny

So Yummy!

So Yummy!

Sleeping beauty

Sleeping beauty



Readers! My Dad and I have come up with and idea to help cancer patients and their caregivers for a competition Target is running. Please check out our idea and vote for it if you like it. Just to warn you, I will be asking everyday!! Please go to the website:

Under the search menu type: Target Cancer
Then scroll down till you find it listed and my name: Shay H. Atlanta, Ga —-That’s me!
Click on it, read about my idea and please vote. The button is at the lower left corner.
Let’s try to win!!!!

Shout Out’s

Katie C.- I want you to know that I am thinking of you and your family everyday. I am praying and sending positive/strong/good/kick ass vibes your way. Stay Strong my Sister!!! LOVE!!!!!

3 thoughts on “Target Cancer

  1. Have fun cleaning out the garages. I notice that they built a french drain Dad did that at the side of house. It is still raining at the beach. Have fun cleaning. Love you lots,Momee

  2. Love your and your dad’s idea! I didn’t see a vote button but liked it in Facebook. Hope that helps. Your yard looks very nice btw

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