I’m Late! I’m Late! Reader’s! This was supposed to go out yesterday but life got in the way! Sorry!!
Happy Monday Reader’s!
I hope you are all having a good day. The sun is out here in the ATL and it is a beautiful day. I love Fall, it is my favorite season. I love the smell in the air, the leaves falling, wearing hoodies and light jackets, pumpkins and drinking hot tea wine on a chilly night, on the screened in porch. Oh and football! Love me football on the weekend…as long as my team is winning. I went 1:1 this weekend. RTR!!! Falcons= Fail.
The landscape crew is working on finishing the back steps and started laying the pavers for the new pathway from the pool to the pool equipment. No more gross, splotchy, pee (Timber) stained crab grass. They will be putting gravel between the large pavers.
I met the “chicken man”, Matt, today. He, Molly and I reviewed the plans for the coop and I showed him all the wood and tiles we had in the second garage. I think he will be able to use a lot of it plus some of the wood from the play set. He thinks he will be done by the end of the week. That would be perfect. I want to be able to move the girls into their new home and get them settled before I go back into the hospital. I am so excited!
Have great hopes that Timber and Simon will come to some agreement of course I am not holding my breathe. Your yard is looking great and I can’t wait to see the chicken coop, it looks like there will be so much room. Tell Aidan that he will have to take us on a tour of the third garage, I believe that they started something. Have a good day, hope that the rain holds off. Love you lots, Momee