The fence is done!

Good Morning Readers!

The fence is done! The fence is done! Guess who is one happy puppy today?! Timber! He got to play ball last night and was so happy. Then this morning he was able to go out and do his business without be on a leash. His morning got even better when My Man took him for a 3 mile run at the park. I think he will be taking a good long nap today.

Back walk way

Back walk way

The landscape crew started placing the steps for front and back steps yesterday. The front ones are 200 pound stones and the back is some kind of wood. The guys built each wooden step in the driveway and then moved the to the back. They are halfway done with the steps.

Front walk way

Front walk way

Next to the stone steps there will be a dry bed river bed thing. I can’t remember what she called it but the picture she showed me look cool. It will help with the drainage problem we have on the side of the house.

Fence gate

Fence gate

I love the front fence gate! I am so happy I picked the arched gate. Only the front part of the fence is the fancy aluminum fencing. The rest is black chain link. Doing that cut the cost in half. It is unreal how expensive fences are. Now when we drive around, I mentally tally up how much the fences I see cost. Unreal! I also love how tall it is. Makes me feel better for the chickens. On Monday they will start building the coop/run. Those girls are going to love their new home! I can’t wait!

I just went on the Old Navy site and bought The Boy next years swimsuits and gym/workout style shorts in larger sizes for next summer. They are on sale. The shorts were only $5.00 a pair! I also bought some tank tops for me. My white ones are now looking a bit gray. They were on sale too! Plus I had 20% and a $5.00 off coupon. If you have kids, go check it out. I am heading to the gym to work out with SK. This will be the first time since cycle 3 has been done. Hope I make!

I will take more pictures of the progress of the yard. Have a wonderful day Readers!!

Cancer is a Full Time Job…

Good Morning Readers!


Sorry I missed yesterday. I had a pretty busy day yesterday. First Timber had to be taken to the Spa for his “fluff -n- buff”. The poor boy is shedding everywhere. While he was enjoying his day of beauty, I went to Target to grab a few things. One of those things was a Fall wreath for the front porch. I had been wanting to buy it for a week or so and it finally went on sale. Woot! Woot!

New wreath!

New wreath!

When we got home Timber’s new Zombie toy had come in the mail. It was much smaller than I thought it would be. She was a super cute zombie and squeaked! Timber was in love!

New Friend!

New Friend!

And then three minutes later, she was missing her left eye. Ok, so maybe she was too small for my big boy. I fear by the end of today she will in shreds.

Three Minutes Later...

Three Minutes Later…

Luckily we got our Bark Box yesterday too.

What is inside?!

What is inside?!

Have you ever wondered who clicked on the add’s in your FB news feed? Well, now you know one! I clicked on the Bark Box add about three months ago right after we adopted Timber. It included a coupon and I thought what the heck. I figured that if I knew there would be a goodie box for Timber coming each month, it would keep me from buying him toys and treats. For the most part, it has worked. We have had bought more balls for him. Timber loves to play ball…a lot.  We have lost a few over the fence and he ripped one apart. Plus to play ball with him you need at least two balls at a time.

We signed up for the extra-large dog box. Timber is a big boy! Each month you received a box with some kind of toy and three to four types of healthy treats. So far he had liked most of the treats and toys. Last month he got a toy shark that could float and be thrown.

Did not pass the Timber test

Did not pass the Timber test

Timber has not played with it once. Not sure why. Whenever I have thrown it to him, he would just look at it fall and walk away.




I think this month toy’s looks as though it will last at least a week.


I have been up and in the office since 4:30am. I think I see my self crashing soon. Have a wonderful day Readers!!

Things are happening!


Things are happening with Hotel Yorba Landscape Project! The the tree is down, the fence is down and now we have rocks! The landscape crew is taking apart the play set and we are going to hopefully use some of the wood on the coop/run. I am meeting with Molly tomorrow to review and finalize the coop/run plans. The fence crew is here and is beginning to put in the new fence. Timber and I can’t wait till it is all put up!


Old fence gone.

Old fence gone.

Things are happening!

Things are happening!

Part of the new fence.

Part of the new fence.

A mess!

A mess!

Fence Posts

Fence Posts

I am doing well today. However, my teeth/gums are sore today. Hopefully after a few days they will settle down. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

The Love Affair continues…

So Close!!!

So Close!!!

I am smart like that…

Was taken right after Panny reached out and patted Timber's Bum.

Was taken right after Panny reached out and patted Timber’s Bum.

Monday! Monday!

Hey Reader’s! How are you all doing this morning. I am doing much better then I was last week. The nausea is gone and I am able to do more before I have to rest. I did however over do this weekend cause I am smart like that. I did have a great weekend. It started with our friends Bryan and Rebecca coming over with their kids for dinner on Friday night. It was fun to just hang out with them. The kids had fun swimming in the pool.

After moving the coop and football watching, the Alabama game almost gave me a heart attack, I was tired and very sore. My brother and the family came for a visit. They were all in town for a school trip. They went to two Braves games, Six Flags and The Coke-a-Cola museum. It was good to see them and I can’t wait till we can spend more time together.

I started having issues with the leg that I hurt at the hospital last week on Sunday morning. Don’t feel sorry for me, I did it to myself. So what did I think a good thing to do later in the day was? Go to Ikea! Because walking around on it for 2 hours is so smart! Yep! That’s what I am! :(  I did have fun at Ikea, so worth it. I went with Rebecca and Amy. Of course we all have a list of things we still want and hopefully will head back soon.

New pillow covers!

New pillow covers!

I bought some new pillow cushion covers for the family room.  The rest of Sunday was spent watching football, Rise Up Falcons!, till I finally crashed around 9pm. My whole body ached and all I wanted to do was sleep.



Today, they are taking down the oak tree. I have been one step away from a heart attack all morning. The tree is just pass my window in my home office, so I can see and hear all the guys out there. Can’t see the tree though (thank goodness). So far it seems like they are doing a good job. I am sure The girls are freaking out. Even though their coop/run has moved, they are not used to all the people and noise around them. When the final part of the tree came down, it came down with a boom. Thank goodness I was in the family room eating lunch. If I was in my office, I would have fallen off the chair!



IMG_2880 IMG_2881

IMG_2882 IMG_2883Tomorrow they should start working on the fence and then the rest of the week the landscape. Can’t wait till it is all nice and pretty!

Shout Outs

Kathryn G.- My Mom, Dad and the Boy Loved the food! Thanks!

Calanit H.- Thanks for Dinner! My parent and The Boy love it!

Jennifer S.- The Boys loved the BBQ! I loved the soup!

Melissa D.- Thank you for the card and My St. Peregrine statue. He is on my bedside table looking out for me!

Sun is out here. Hope it is where you are. Enjoy yourself and your day!

Moving Day

What a beautiful day Readers! The ALT is glorious today! The AC has been turned off and the windows are open. The Boy started back with his piano and guitar lessons this morning. While at practice, My Man and I ate brunch. It was very good and nice to finally get out and about. I think I am to the point where I will be able to go on short trips out by myself now. Thank Goodness! I was going crazy wanting to do stuff. I miss Target so much!

On Monday the big old oak tree in our yard is coming down. The tree guys said the chicken coop must be moved so they don’t hurt the girls. I was able to get the coop free and get everything ready for the move. Last night at 3am, I was awake, and while trying to fall back asleep, I came up with the idea of moving into the garden area since it was done (if it ever started) for the season.

IMG_2851 IMG_2853

Getting the spikes we used to anchor the coop and run down was easy. Moving the it was easy. My Man came and helped with that part. Getting the girls into the cat crates was a pain in the ass! They are so fast! When it was all moved, my man started pulling up the black mesh fence. About 90% of that was easy. However the last 10% was not! The kudzu had grown all in it and he had a hell of a time getting it free. Bless his heart, he did it for me! THANK YOU!


The girls are under there.


You want me to go in there?

IMG_2859 IMG_2870 IMG_2871 IMG_2873

I think the girls will enjoy getting use to their area.They will be there till the new run/coop is done later this fall. The whole thing got done in time for Michigan States kick off!! Woot! Woot! And later today RTR!!! Enjoy your day Readers!! I got to go walk Timber.


Who gives a flying chimpanzee

Hey Reader’s!

How are you this morning? I am up and trying to stay that way. I did not go back for a nap after I got The Boy off to school like I have been. I was restless and had a list of things in my head that need to me done , like RIGHT NOW. You ever get that way? I did a little yin yoga to try to stretch out. I need to do more that is for sure. Laying in a bed for five days does not help up you stretch out. Later, I got cleaned up and had some peanut butter and toast for breakfast. I then had some coffee. Yummy.

Question: When can you start decorating for Fall/Halloween?

My Dad and The Boy started cleaning out our third garage and they found lots of our Fall/Halloween decorations and I am wondering why wait? Is it ok to put out the more fall items and wait a bit for the witches and zombies? Or do we become one of those people and put it all out now? It isn’t like many people will see it up here on the hill. What to do…

Question: Do I go ahead and break down and buy a Halloween zombie toy for Timber? It is on sale and free shipping. I am going to buy more balls for him too (he losses them at a high rate) and some catnip mice to replace the ones Timber ate for the cats. Do I break down and just buy it? Holiday themed chew toys? No costumes I promise.

Is there a time in your like were you just say f-it? I don’t care what people say and just do what you want? I have hit these times before and seem to be hitting them more and more. Is it age? Or life events? For me, it has been due to life events. When I was first diagnosed with cancer back in 2002 my husband and I made a pack that we were going to do things we wanted to do instead of wait till later ( who knew how long either of us had). We were fans on the original IRON CHEF, the japanese version and found out the Chef Japan Iron Chef Morimoto had just opened his first restaurant in the USA in Philadelphia. We booked reservations 3 months in advanced and flew there just to eat there! It was a 5 hours dinner and we got to meet and get out picture with him. So Cool!!! It was the best meal we had ever had and so much fun. It was also the first time we stayed at a Ritz Carlton, thank you Travelocity!

No matter how big, a trip to a restaurant or small, zombie chew toy for the dog, just do it. Who gives a flying chimpanzee???

Go be wonderful Readers!!!


It was a busy morning here at the Hotel Yorba. First, we are into day two of the fence removal, Part of The Hotel Yorba Landscape Project. Woot! Woot! It is a cedar fence, so we are going to try to save a lot of the wood to reuse in the coop/run project. However part of the wood was infested with carpenter bees but I think we will have enough.


Hopefully this will be a chicken run soon!


Lots of ivy was covering the fence.


The horrible from gate is gone!!


We are getting estimates to take the huge old oak tree in the backyard. After all the rain we have had and since it has some damage to it, we think it is time to take it done. Not thrilled about the damage doing so will do to our back account but better than it falling on our house.

We also have the AC man here, who is a friend (thank goodness). I noticed the upstairs air stopped working last night and gave him a call. And at 11am here he is! My man and I know nothing about this stuff and luckily Travis told us that it wasn’t a big deal, it could have been but we got him out here in time.

I am feeling a bit better, the meds are helping my tummy but I am still very tired and mind is fuzzy and I have a hard time tracking. Please do not ask me anything to important. Thinking makes my brain hurt.

Go out and enjoy your day!!!