

My Favorite Hat

It’s Monday Reader’s!

It is a rainy, warm Monday here in the ATL. It will be in the 70’s for the next few days. I just turned on the heat! Oh well. It could be snowing. How was your weekend? Mine was good. My Man and I watched football Saturday night till all the games we cared about were done. Then we watched Big Bang Theory. That is our go to show. So funny.


Since I finally gave in and joined Pinetrest, I have been pinning like crazy. I don’t know why or how but it grabs you and won’t let go. I have ten boards so far. One (of course) is all about chickens and another all about food. I learned a lot about chickens from Pinetrest. That is where I learned how to make a healthy dirt bath for The Girls. They have yet to get into it. I may just dump the mixture onto the ground. Maybe the container is too small?

I have a gardening board where I pinned how to grow garlic. I planted about 15 bulbs on Sunday. They will be ready in the summer and I am so excited. Other easy plants to re-grow are celery, avocados and green onions. I can’t wait to give those a try. I started a Holiday board and have pinned a few things I would love to do for Christmas. I am not a crafty person at all. I tend to have these high hopes of making homemade gifts but then just give up and end up buying things. Maybe this year will be different.

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My favorite scarf aka tichel designer, Sara Attali Design, has a new collection out. I love them all but have narrowed it down to three. I would love to get all of them but I am making myself wait a few days to think it over. I know I will be wearing them for the next year, so I know I will get my money worths. Plus, I love the way they look with long hair. So I can wear them for a long time! Still going to think it over though.

Question: Which scarf is your favorite?


4 thoughts on “Garlic!

  1. Love the one with the pearl clip, the detail looks beautiful. Heading out to walk have a great day. Love you lots Momee

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