Barnsley Gardens Part 2

Barnsley Gardens Part 2

Very Chilly Saturday Morning!

Very Chilly Saturday Morning!

Saturday morning start off cold!! It was cold when Timber and I went out for our morning walk. Timber was so excited to be out and about. He stopped and smelled and marked as many trees, bushes and posts he could. We then went to a large open field looking over the golf course to play ball. He was in heaven.

Ready for the day!

Ready for the day!

After breakfast Aidan and went and rented some bikes. There are lots of trails and pathways around the property you can walk, hike and bike. I ended up getting a leisure bike. Ok, there is a big difference between my hybrid bike at home and the leisure bike I ended up with. Did not really like it. But off we went. We had a wonderful time until during one of our brakes The Boy some how tripod over himself and his bike fell on his shin. The Boy is skin and bones and the bike banged him up pretty band. He did not cry though! So strong.


Birds nest we found on our bike ride.

Birds nest we found on our bike ride.



We made it back to the property and dropped of our bikes. We then went to the lobby and got him some ice for his leg. One of the staff gave Aidan a bag of chocolates. I think he felt better after one or two of those. My Man and Timber went on one run and a hike while we were there. Timber had a blast and even got a bit muddy!

Poor Guy!

Poor Guy!


Inside the lobby.

Inside the lobby.

We went and hung out at the Beer Garden for a while before dinner. The Boy loved the fire and had the space to run around. Timber liked meeting new people and being told how handsome he is.

Fire at the Beer Garden

Fire at the Beer Garden



So happy to be hanging out!

So happy to be hanging out!

Team Hamer

Team Hamer







After dinner we hit went to the lobby and stocked up on ‘smore supplies. There are fire pits all over the property and we were lucky to have one right in front of our cottage. One of the staff members lit the fire for us and The Boy got to cooking. I can not tell you how many The Boy had but when he later said his tummy hurt, I wasn’t all that surprised.

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We had a wonderful time at Barnsley Gardens and are planning on going back next year. I would suggest you all come and check it out!

Tired Puppy

Tired Puppy

One thought on “Barnsley Gardens Part 2

  1. Hope to see it in the fall, sounds wonderful. Chocolate will help anybody get over a hurt, it will help anything. This could be a good place for Dad and I to celebrate our birthdays and anniversary so we could get chocolates, brain is working. Have fun, keep drumming, love you lots,lots,lots Momee

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