Boot Camp for The Boy!

Morning Reader’s!

The last few days have been good here at The Hotel Yorba. You? Here is a breakdown and some pictures from the past few days.

New scarf from My Man!

New scarf from My Man!


I woke up around 7:45am and let The Girls out. It was in the high 20’s/ low 30’s and The Girls were all snuggly in their coop. I went to the gym and worked out with SK. We worked on my arms/back/abs and did a little leg work. My arms are still sore today. Afterwards I had breakfast at the Cafe, an egg and cheese and pesto sandwich. Yummy! I then headed out to my 17th radiation treatment. Only 10 more to go! Woot! Woot!

When I came home I did some work and then proceeded to pass out on the couch for about an hour. I was tired. I have been getting more and more tired and the headaches suck! We ate left overs for dinner and watched a dvr’d episode of Grim. Afterwards I ended up going to bed.


The Boy

The Boy

The Boy and I woke up early to head to the gym. I signed him up for kids Boot Camp! Demarcus is the trainer for the kids boot camp. Demarcus is like 6’6. He is sooo tall and so soft-spoken. He is really great with the kids. The group is made up of boys and girls from ages 8 to 15. They meet two times a week and work on lateral movement and conditioning. While he worked out, I did too.

I think he had a good time. He was defiantly tired afterwards. Demarcus said he did a good job his first time. It was obvious that he had not done anything like this before and was worn out by the end. I really hope he takes to it. Not only is it good for him, it make me work out while he does.

When we came home, My Man and I ended up taking down and putting away all the Christmas decorations. I love it all when it is up but afterwards I am ready to get things back to normal. I then vacuumed like crazy but still found pine needles on the floor after I was done. I think I will be finding them in July!

We made homemade pizzas for dinner which turned out great and once again I went to bed early. I was just tired and had a headache.

Grandma and The Boy at dinner

Grandma and The Boy at dinner

Grandma and The Boy at dinner

Grandma and The Boy at dinner


It is raining here in the ATL this morning. Not too much planned for the day. I have laundry to do and need to clean up my closet. I plan watch some Breaking Bad episodes; I am almost done with season 2. I am going to try to go to a Yoga class (Yin/Restorative) tonight at 5:30. It will be my first one since July!!

How are you spending your Sunday?

PS- Are you working on your New Years Resolutions? I am! I will be sharing some of mine and want to hear about yours too!

One thought on “Boot Camp for The Boy!

  1. Thank you for listening to your body and taking a nap, please continue to LISTEN. I am glad that Aidan is doing boot camp it not only is good for your body but you get to make new friends. We are just relaxing and I am writing thank you cards. Great pictures of Pat and The Boy. Have a terrific Sunday and also the next week.

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