Done! Done! Done!

Hey Reader’s!

Yummy Iron Horse!

Yummy Iron Horse!

So I am done! Done! Done! Done! Tuesday was my last radiation treatment. I went in and the techs were so excited for me. After I got zapped, I got two big hugs from them. I thanked them for being so nice to me, for not minding when I came straight from the gym (stinky) and for being so kind to The Boy. I then went and thanked the ladies at the front desk. They had been so nice to me. I then got to ring the last treatment bell. Everyone clapped and cheered for me. I had to hold back tears but when I got in my car, I just cried. I called My Man and left a voice mail telling him I was all done and that I was crying ( I think he had figured that one out) and did he want anything from Costco.  I guess I was just so happy to be done with it all. It was like the world had been lifted from my shoulders and I could not stop the tears.

That night My Man and I celebrated with a bottle of Iron Horse. And on Wednesday, I caught a cold. I mean really?? One day off radiation and I get sick? That is why I did not post anything last night. I went back to work on Wednesday but by the evening I felt like shit. My Man even alluded to (in the nicest way possible) that I in fact I looked like shit! I was in bed and asleep by 8:30pm.

Nose bleed

Nose bleed

As I am writing this, my nose is bleeding. Second one in two days. UGH! I think it is all due to the crazy weather we have been having. One day it is 8, three days later 62 and now back to the 30’s and 40’s. My sinus’ are not happy!

The Majestic 

Last week The Girls had the roof on the run extended and they are loving it. I am too. No more ruined food and wet, soggy run when it rains.


"I Love it!"

“I Love it!”

I have been thinking about what kind of chickens I will get soon. I am looking for two girls who are near the size of Turbo and Poppy and who are not too aggressive. I do not want to make Turbo mad, she is the head hen and needs to stay that way. I want a good layer and non broody hen.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock







Any suggestions?

6 thoughts on “Done! Done! Done!

  1. HUGS HUGS HUGS! Congrats on being DONE! You are one of the most gratuitous and positive people I know all things considered.

    And, well, as for the cold, after I got done with a marathon project that kept me up nights for 10 weeks straight (nothing even within a lightyear to beating the crap out of cancer), I ended up super sick a soon as the project was over. Like, the next morning. I think your body just makes a deal to not mess with you while you have important things to do, like beat the f@*king crap out of cancer. And they when you’re ready, you’re force to really take a break so you can heal. So take it easy and remember – YOUR DONE!!


    • Ok, More tears Dani! Your words…So kind. Takes me back to the old days at RIT, living at the dump of apartment with the bee’s nest outside, eating pasta and Wegmans biscuits every night for dinner. Seems like yesterday…. Super Hugs back at you from the ATL!!! LOVE

  2. Sussex and Campine, all of them are beautiful but I like those two they would go with Turbo and Poppie. I like the idea that they are not aggressive because Poppie and I have had our disagreements. I have had wounds to show. You sounded so good Tuesday, HAPPY, and that makes your parents HAPPY. Vacations to look forward to and nerves that are more or less relaxed. Sorry about the cold but I agree with Danielle your body wants you to sleep and sometimes it has to take steps to make you listen. SO LISTEN! Love you lots,lots,lots, Momee.

  3. I’m clapping long, hard and REALLY loud for you!! Way to go:) I wonder if we have a treatment bell here? I’m gonna ask! I start in 2 weeks.
    The Sussex is cute, but I think I’m liking the barnevelder.. I know nothing about chickens really, so it’s just a beauty contest.
    Take care

  4. Hey, congrats for getting through it all like a trooper. Now you will stay healthy and enjoy the rest of your life. Congrats, congrats, congrats.

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