Get up! Get Up! Get Up!
These are the words I heard as I lay on the radiation table on Tuesday. I had just been put in position and the huge metal door was closing, when the tech came running in. She grabbed the controller and was trying to lower me down while watching a river (ok stream, a fast-moving stream) coming towards the room and the outer hallway. I jumped off the table and threw my clothes on and jumped over the brown rusty water that was now not only coming out of the storage door but the ceiling tiles!
Needles to say, my treatment was cancelled for Tuesday. This will push my end date till next Tuesday. Oh well. The Boy thought it was awesome and was taking pictures and posting them to his Instagram account. I am happy to say that the machine was not damaged and I was able to get zapped on Wednesday.
I hope none of your pipes have burst or heating die on you while most of the county is under a blanket of snow. Stay warm. Stay safe Reader’s!