This is what a $75.89 pill looks like. I thought it would be bigger. And Orange. And Glow in the dark. Nope. Looks like an average pill. Let’s hope it doesn’t work like an average pill but like a SUPER pill.
I got my pills around 11am today and took my four. I am to take them all at once (much easier) and on an empty stomach. So far I feel ok. My head is a bit fuzzy but I forgot to take my allergy pills and even though we have had a lot of rain over the past few days, the pollen is still out there.
The Boy’s Birthday is coming up this month. Truth be told, The Boy has too much stuff as it is. I always get him clothes, he needs those but I really don’t want to by him stuff that he will forget about in a months time. So this morning I came up with an idea. The Boy loves animals, especially cute ones (who doesn’t?!). Recently I came across Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia. They take in hurt and abandoned farm animals and provide them a home and healthcare. In some cases they adopt them out. On the site they have a page where you can “sponsor” an animal on the farm. I took a look and have found the perfect one for The Boy for his birthday. Reader’s! Meet Boots!
Isn’t he the cutest thing ever?! Make sure you take a look at his video on the website. He jumps around like a jumping bean! I also love his sweater. I wish we could bring him home. Aidan will get a Welcome packet and then will be sent updates on Boots via e-mail for the year. I hope they send some pictures of him in his sweater with his friends! Such a cutie!
If you go checkout the website take a look at Little Miss Sunshine. She is a super smart Chicken. Check out her video.
I am happy that the weekend is almost here. I am planning on adding Zazzles and Terry Pete to the big coop and run permanently. My fingers are crossed. Zazzles and Terry Pete have gotten the hang of roosting and if they need to, they can hop up and get away from Turbo and Poppy. Hopefully they will get use to each other soon.
I can’t believe I watched the whole video. Boots is a really cute guy with tons of personality. I think that gifting him to Aidan is a creative and great idea. But let me suggest you begin saving for round-trip airfare to Down Under. Oh yeah, and good luck with that other crap; I do back on the 8th.
I know! I couldn’t stop either. I love the ending. I will be sending positive vibes your way on the 8th!
What a cute little thing, is Boots. Love the way he jumps around. I have to say, I have had a few pills that cost more per unit, but never did I have any that came in a cautionary bag! Yikes! They better do their job! Thinking of you always. Good luck with Zazzles and Terry Pete.
Wow! soooo cute is Boots. So you begin it does look normal but normal is good and I can tell it will be a cancer kicker.
That is a good gift for Mr. Aidan and Roone is right Aidan will want to go visit so definitely save up and let me know if you are going because maybe Dad and I could tag along. I have wanted to go down under for a long time could be a great excuse. Are you reading this Kerry John? Take care love you lots,lots,lots Momee
PS Take pictures of your feather friends all in the same coop.
Trip down under is agonizingly LONG. Haven’t actually been there, but mighty close (Taiwan & Vietnam). I’ll be funding Aidan’s school acct. again. Hope the pills do their job.
What a great, benevolent lesson you are teaching The Boy! Your caring and giving spirit continues to amaze me. So many people dealing with health and other issues, become internally focused, and they have a right to be. But you keep “paying it forward.” You are a great role model for us all! Geri