Reader’s!!! How the heck are all y’all? I am doing good. I am loving the weather that the ATL has been having the past few days. It looks like it will continue through the weekend too! We are having friends coming into town tonight and still have a lot of cleaning to do. I am feeling kinda tired right now but I am going to have to get passed it and vacuum!
This morning I was up and out early. I stopped by Dunkin Donuts to grad 50 donut holes for The Boys class. I then went to Home Depot to get more plants for around the pool and more cucumbers (I have a fear none of the other 5000 I have bought will grow!) then to Trader Joes to buy food for tomorrows party. I headed home and cleaned bathrooms. I really wanted to go to sleep! Instead I went back out and hung out with The Boy’s class and gave them donuts holes after they were done with their lunch for The Boy’s birthday. Their classroom had already been broken down. His teacher was so excited today was the last day. I bet she was!!!
After the school, I went to the $$ store and bought nine balloons for The Boy’s big day. Buying the balloons at the $$ store is the best deal! All the balloons are $1! You can’t beat it! Then it was time for my workout with SK. I was tired and my knee hurt but I made it through.
When I was leaving Austin bright and early at 6:30am last Saturday my Guru, Judi, came down to say goodbye. She was wearing these super cute PJ’s and I asked where she had got them. When I got back home I went straight to the website and order myself a pair (not the same pattern). They came today and I soooo wanted to put them on and climb into bed! Instead I put the in the washing machine and am typing away to y’all.
I love that picture of Timber and Panny. We were just hanging out in the screen in porch watching the baseball game. The weather was so nice, the toads were talking and the lights! Oh I love the lights!
The rest of the day will be filled with cleaning and laundry. Our friends won’t get in till around midnight so I guessing I will be taking a nap at some point tonight. I hope y’all have a wonderful and safe holiday. If you see a service man or woman this weekend or have a grandparent or uncle or aunt or parent, go up to them or give them a call and say Thank You. If not for them, who know where we would all be!
Have a great Memorial weekend. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee
With a husband, boy and dogs, it is only going to get dirty again.
The easiest way to clean a house is, open the windows and use a leaf blower.
Great idea!
Mr. Lunny has a good idea try it could save a lot of time.
I once tried the leaf blower trick on a wet kitchen floor. It never occurred to me that I had two (uber-shedding) Labs in the house and that the areas under the appliances were covered in dog hair.
Oh boy that was lesson learned