Readers! Want to know I am doing? I think the picture above pretty much says it all. I feel like shit but I try to keep smiling. “Well what the hell is wrong with you?” You ask. I feel like I have been run over a truck. Over and Over. Manly when I wake up.
When I wake up I have to lay there for a few minutes trying to read my body and how it is feeling. I don’t think things are in the right place when I get up. It is like when I sleep they get up and move around. I start to move and then the organs freak out and start moving back in place and that hurts. I yell in pain and fall back to the bed. I lay there for a bit giving my organs time to calm the f down. Then I slowly but not too slowly move my what up to the siting position. My then my breathing is more like gasping. I have to sit for about 5 minutes trying to settle myself down. All the while, I have to pee like a race horse so that too is kinda pain full. Finally I move to my side table and grab my first pills of the day. Ahh….Drugs…
Yes, Readers, drugs are my friend. I take my pain pills the first thing. I then try to move my neck, shoulder, back and arms around to try to loosen them up. I am so tense and tight when I wake up. Once again. something is going on while I am, sleeping. I finally make it to the restroom about 10 minutes after I first wake up. And I am kind of loud waking up which sucks for the My Man. I am sure it is not the alarm clock he is really wanting to hear bright and early in the morning.
Friday was actually a good day for me. I had a lot of errands to run and was really afraid that I would not be able to do them all without falling asleep or getting really tired while driving. So Rebecca to the rescue. She had some things she needed to do to so it ended up working out perfect for both of us. I drove all the way till the end. She drove home from lunch. I had a 1pm conf. call to get ready for. I did take a little nap before I picked up The Boy from the bus stop. We then had a break before we went to the First Friday at the park. This is a celebration of the first week of school that the school puts on. I rested a little before we went and was able to make it through the party and had a good time. It was hot though!
The Boy ended up spending the night at his buddies house which probably was a good thing. We later found out something he has been doing and well, Mama was pissed. Very upset. He is back home and his life had ended as he knows it. He is very quite and has been hauling branches while I trim the bushes. It will be a long week for us all. Still so mad. Grr.
It is bright and sunny here in the ATL and like I mentioned, I have been working in the yard. The girls are working on eggs and Timber is just so dam happy to be here. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Hope you start feeling better! If chemo is giving you fits, it’s punching the crap out of the cancer! Chemo 1 Cancer 0!
Ugh. I’m sorry for your suckful mornings. I am not sorry about that picture of you, some boys and a large turtle. I don’t know if the picture or the caption is more awesome!
Oh Shannon, I think of you often and so want all of this to go away. I am so sorry for your pain–life can suck some times and then we go on and live life and you will too. Keep on keeping on.
When we talked yesterday you sounded better then you had this week. Shay,Shay I wish I could wave a magic wand to get rid of the pain all your family and friends feel the same way. Geri is right this chemo is getting into the tumor and blasting it so hard that it makes your body hurt it will kill the f—-ing shit.
I never knew shit had a smiley face the things you learn on your blog. Stay strong and if need be throw something, punch, kick but for me yelling is the best the louder the better.
Stay strong think positive Dad and I are right behind you feel our hands. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee
Sorry to hear ’bout your discomfort. Happy to report NO pain meds for me for an entire day, despite hiking miles at an outdoor tractor and steam engine show with buddies today. Quitting NSAIDS, opiates,…. all of it. However, they sure have their place, eh?
Way to go Bob! I hope someday to be in the same position! Glad you were able to get out with your friends!.
Are you pregnant?
Ahhh no. They make sure if that before the chemo