Readers, I am sad to announce that Poppy passed away today. RIP Poppy. As I had mentioned earlier this week, she hadn’t been looking all that good for the past few weeks. She was losing weight and wasn’t acting like herself. No chasing Zazzles or Terry Pete away from the watermelon and spinach treats.
I am happy to report that we were all out there with her. My Man hung the new Majestic sign, The Boy and I cleaned out the nest boxes, I refreshed the food and water holders, I clean out the coop and The Boy and I gave all the girls worms that we found in the compost hippo. Poppy’s last meal was a nice tasty fat worm.
It was The Boy who noticed it first when he went in with another fat worm to give her. We are all sad but are happy that we got to spend three and half years with her. We are happy to know she lived a good life with humans around her who loved her. I am happy that her last year was in The Majestic, a nice comfortable coop. I think she enjoyed living with us and I know her best girlfriend Turbo will miss her as much as we will.
RIP Poppy.
Oh that is sad news:( Sorry for your lose. Thankfully Turbo has Zazzles and Terry Pete
Hope you’re feeling well otherwise. The new sign looks great!
Poor Poppy! I am so sad for all of you!
I to will miss Poppy she had a great way to greet you when coming into the Majestic. She lived her final year in the Ritz Carlton if chicken coops, luxury. Take care, your boys look good. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee
PS: she lived with best family.
I was happy to spend some quality time with her last month. Will you be adopting another? Your girls are all so fortunate.