Happy Sunday Readers!

Happy Sunday Readers!

How has your weekend been? Ours started out with great news from Dr. D. on Friday. There has been shrinkage! Woot! Woot! There are five tumors that they are tracking. In September one was as big as 9cm. 9cm! No wonder I was in so much pain. I can’t believe it was that big. That one has shrunk down to 5cm. The others have all also shrunk from the September CT scan. Dr. D seemed very pleased. We are all please but I am still freaking out inside. My Man says I need to enjoy the good news and keep thinking about it, not to about all the “What If’s ?” He is right, I do this in other aspects of my life. Something good will happen at work and instead of enjoying it, I think about negative things, “What if my practice doesn’t grow?” What I should be doing is focus on the positive. Ugh. I need to stop but how do I do that? Ideas?

Taken by Lynda Lou

Taken by Lynda Lou

The Boy had a wonderful Halloween. It was pretty chilly here but it did not stop The Boy and his friends from covering a good part of the neighborhood. Since Halloween was on a Friday, he got to spend a lot time trick or treating and got a lot of candy. Around 8pm it started to rain a bit but luckily no snow for the ATL.

Taken by Lynda Lou

Taken by Lynda Lou

My Man told The Boy that we would pay he 20 cents per piece he gave up to us. He was up for it and made out with enough candy and $12.00. We will keep some of that candy but we are also donating some of the candy to the troops. The Boys school is gather candy to send in gift boxes to our troops overseas. We are a gallon zip lock bag full to give.



My SIL is on her way down from MI as we speak to help us for the next week. We are going to go out to dinner tonight and then Round 3 begins on Monday. We have cleaned the house from top to bottom. We have gone to three grocery stores to make sure that we have enough for dinner, snacks and The Boys lunch. Laundry has been done and put away. We have done are best to make sure there will be nothing I may freak out about next week . Monday and Tuesday I should be ok. However by Wednesday it should start to hit me. Hopefully all our preparation will pay off.

The sun is shinning in the ATL right now. It is in the 50’s, up from yesterdays 40’s and no where as windy. Hope you all are doing well. Be well. Be Safe.

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