Brrrrr…..It be Cold!!

It took 9 years but his first "real" winter coat.

It took 9 years but his first “real” winter coat.

Brrrrr!!!! It’s cold here in ATL Readers! What’s up with that? The last two mornings The Boy has stated he wants to move to Miami. The ATL is too cold for him. The water in The Girls coop has been frozen the last two mornings and even the door to the nesting boxes takes some real effort to open. Now, I have seen the pictures from western NY and that is why I will now shut up about how cold it is here. But really, why to people live up there???

Me and Calanit

Me and Calanit

The ladies

The ladies

Monday night I got to go out with the ladies for dinner. We celebrated three birthdays, drank wine and had some yummy food. First of all, it was nice to feel up to going out at all. But most of all it was nice to meet and talk about other things than cancer. It was nice to be reminded that I was a mother whose kid isn’t the only one who drives her crazy or a working woman who has concerns about her job. You know Normal stuff. Thanks ladies.

Timber Update

Timber continued to have problems over the weekend and into Monday and Tuesday, although it seemed he was doing a little better. I ended up taking him to the vets office on Tuesday after I picked up The Boy from bus stop. The Vet said he saw a lot of dogs come in with issues like Timber was able to give him some med’s and very bland food. On Tuesday night My Man got up with Timber two times to let him out of the house, so no mess ups in the kitchen. Since the med’s and the bland diet he has been feeling much better. He is back to sleeping through the night. I think he is ready for his trip to the beach! Woot! Woot! Puppy!

Labs Update

I went in for labs yesterday and am happy to say everything is up! Now, not everything is back to normal but since I have had gone through three rounds of chemo they were not expected to be. I am feeling much better. It is like night and day. I think back about how I felt last Wednesday and compare to now and it is mind-blowing. Chemo is some really rough stuff. What it does to your body and mind is so hard to begin to explain it. I guess you must have been through to even begin to imagine.

I will check into the hospital on Dec. 2 for my 4th round of treatment. My Man and I talked about and we both think it is best that I go into the hospital. The treatment will take almost half the time since I will have the chemo every 12 hours instead of once a day. We are mainly concerned about The Boy. He is not happy that I will be going in for treatment. One night he laid in bed with me and just cried on my shoulder. I tried to explain the reasons why I am going to go in but to a 9-year-old all he hears is mom won’t be here. Poor boy.

I will be MIA for a week…do not worry! I will try to post with pictures of turkey and a happy puppy playing at the beach before my hospital visit. I wish y’all (who celebrate, I know we have a least one Canadian out there) a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family and give them a little extra love next week. Enjoy the food and drink. Enjoy the Football….RTR!!!! Enjoy yourself!


6 thoughts on “Brrrrr…..It be Cold!!

  1. BEACH HERE WE COME! I am so glad that Timber feels better he will enjoy meeting Indie and having a play mate.
    I remember when Mom and Daddy were in the hospital,not at the same time, it was hard but you will home sooner and that will be a lot better. This is a good choice hard but good. Aidan can talked to Papa any time especially at the beach. NOT GOING TO THINK OF DECEMBER JUST ENJOY THIS WEEK, Looking forward to the movie. Eat drink and be merry. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee

  2. So glad that you are feeling better in time to enjoy the holiday. Also glad the Timber boy is doing better.. it will be tough on Aidan when you are in hospital, but maybe when you get home and are doing better quicker, he will see the value of hospital over out patient.. I have to think that by your being able to just rest for that time, you will bounce back a little better…and there is face time. Enjoy your time at the beach… I am jealous…hoping the ATL is in a warming trend by Christmas…

  3. Have a wonderful time at the beach with your family. That will make you an even greater warrior for you next battle! RTR! Happy Thanksgiving.

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