Timber and I on our way to work!
Readers! Happy Sunday! The sun is out here in a chilly ATL. I won’t complain about the cold, I know it is snowing in other parts of the country so I will keep my mouth shut. How are y’all feeling? Me? So much better. Life is so much better when you are not on chemo. My Man and two friends who had seen me on Wednesday said I looked liked new person on Friday. I felt like a new person! It is amazing what a few days can do to a person. We went to see Dr. D on Thursday and where I felt better, I was still feeling kinda run down. My labs showed it. My white blood cell count was low and my hemoglobin was 8.4. I knew in my heart that it would not go up in a week and agreed to a blood transfusion. I was not going to make that mistake again. We are going out-of-town for Thanksgiving and I did not want to mess up our travel plans and I have a very busy week next week at work. So, I spent my Saturday at Northside Hospital.

Saturday and the hospital.

Remote, ice water and hot coco.

Didn’t think ahead and got my IV in my right arm. Shit.

Thank you for those who donate.
My RN, Georgia, and was pleasant to work with. Readers, why does everything in the hospital have to take so dam long? I was planning on going to Target when I was done because it has been over a week since I had been there, and they miss me. But no. No Target for me. I got to Northside at 10am and did not get home till 4pm. 4pm!!! WTH? Thank God I had a TV but still. My butt was numb by the time I got out of there.
When I got home My Man had lunch/dinner in the oven for me. So nice. He even roasted me carrots (which were very yummy). Today I feel very good. The transfusion worked. I will be heading back to the Dr. on Thursday to get labs done. Fingers crossed that they have improved.

Poor Puppy
Readers, Puppy is not feeling well. The last two mornings we have woken up with the smell of shit in the air. Not Good. I can’t begin to describe what we woke up to. Let’s just say after Saturday morning, My Man and I have changed our Christmas gift plans and will be giving each other new carpet in the rec room. Merry Christmas to us.
Last night we made a point to shut the doors to the carpeted rooms downstairs. Good thing we did. When I walked into the kitchen I was overtaken with the smell of shit. OMG. I can’t believe what I saw on the floor. I almost took a picture. I kid you not. I was like “I need to put this on the blog”. Don’t worry, I talked myself out of it. You’re welcome. It was 7:45am and I will admit that I did not want to deal with this. I had just taken two pills for nausea for goodness sake! So I called up to My Man (who was sleeping in bed) to tell him what I had found. In my defense, I did clean up a little of it but I soon escaped to the bathroom and let My Man clean it up. Yep, I totally bailed and left it up to My Man to clean the poo. He also cleaned up the rec. room mess that day before but I was getting ready to leave for my day at the hospital so I really couldn’t help.
On Monday I am going to try to get him into vet. I hope he doesn’t have a repeat performance tonight. He is going on vacation to the beach and I know he wants to feel his best (and we can’t have an explosion at the rental). Please send some good vibes to Timbers belly.
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday Readers. Be good and hug those you love.
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