So I told My Man to get me a surprise when he went into the grocery store and this is what I got. Am I sick? Uh…never mind….
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Sun! I see the Sun!
The sun finally came out this afternoon. I am so happy to see it! I spent the rest of the day working, getting cleaned up, cleaning the kitchen, starting the laundry and dishes and vacuuming. Tonight is date night with My Man. We are going to Canoe. This place is on My Man and I’s Top 5 ATL restaurants. They always have wonderful food. They also have an outside bar next to the Chattahoochee River. They grow a lot of their own veggies on site and you can visit the gardens. But the BEST part is that they have CHICKENS!!!! I kid you not! I love to go look at them we visit. When we go in the winter, they are usually in bed (chickens automatically go to bed in their coop when the sun sets). However now that it is Spring and it stay lighter out longer, I am hoping to see them. I will try to take some pictures and post them.
The Boy has a date with Miss Gail. They are going to watch Adventures in Babysitting if he cleans up his room. I loved that movie when it came out. The Boy got it for Easter.
Have a wonderful Friday!
Pigeon Pose
Usually on Friday’s I am at the club (my gym) by 7:15am. I work out with SK (trainer) from 7:30am to 8:30am. I then have breakfast at the cafe, read a little and talk to my yoga friends when they come in before class. We all then head up to the Yoga studio for the 10am class. Well, SK is still out for the week, so no morning workout. I slept in a bit, got the boys off to camp/work and then headed into the office do to payroll, pay bills, etc. I then hit the bank and drove to the club.
I have been taking Yoga classes at the club now for over six months. I am now at the point where you don’t have to use a spatula to scrape me off the floor at the end of class. I still have a hard time “clearing my mind”, can’t pronounce 99% of the poses but have gotten much better at my breathing. Now, apparently I am not the only one who can’t say all the sand script yoga poses. Some genius came up with American versions. You know- “downward dog, upward dog, cat/cow, childs pose”. I can see why they named them what they did. But I have an issue with one and it happens to be one of my favorite poses even though I can barely move my legs when I am done (my teacher says that’s how you know you are doing it right). It is the Pigeon Pose. Now, I don’t spend a lot of times with Pigeons. Chickens Yes. Pigeons No. But that pose looks NOTHING like a Pigeon. Nothing. Am I right?
Questions: What other names make no sense? What is your favorite pose?
PS- Those pictures are not mine which is why I included the links to the webpages I got them from. Heaven knows I don’t want any pissed off pigeons coming after me.
April Fools Day!
Good Morning! Here at Hotel Yorba we got to sleep in an extra 30 minutes since it is Spring Break for The Boy. Once I get him and My Man off to camp/work, I am going to do Rodney Yee’s AM Yoga for your week. Today I will work on Twists. My neck has been hurting for the last two days and I am hoping this will help.
I first started yoga at home using DVD’s. My first one was Gaiam’s 15-minute Results Yoga with Rodney Yee and Mariel Hemingway. I remember that I was totally pooped by the end of one workout…it was only 15 minutes!! I now take classes at the gym and some are as long as 90 minutes! I have come a long way! The thing with doing yoga at home is that I am never alone. I have two yoga buddies who LOVE to get all in my business while I do my practice.
Simon is the black and white one. He is the one who crawls all over me during my workout squeaking for me to pet and love on him. Yes, he is a cat but he squeaks, he does not meow. I ask him if he is part mouse and he shows me is brown eye… Not fresh Simon, not fresh.
I also made protein smoothies for My Man and I to drink today. Time to get cleaned up and head to work. Hope everyone has a great morning!
Website homework Figure out how to set up “links” to other websites. If anyone know how to on WordPress let me know. I know it is probably pretty simple!
So it begins…
Here I am on Easter working on getting my first “real” blog set up. I woke up last night a 3am and sat in bed for 2 hours trying to figure out why I was having such a problem setting this dam thing up! When that (and My Man’s snoring) almost drove me to the edge, I thought of what I wanted to share to the world on my blog…you now the fun stuff! So, as I fumble my way through setting this up, here are a few things I am planning to include:
- Food Porn- I love to eat really good food. I really like it when I don’t make it, serve it or clean up after it, so I will be reviewing my favorite restaurants and not so favorite.
- Getting Fit- Like I said, I love food. However, I don’t like the side effects. Also, I am turning the big 40 soon and I would like to be in the best shape of my adulthood as I enter a new stage in life. Plus, the clothes! Love the clothes! I will let you know where I get them, deals I find and oh, the workouts I like.
- What am I listening to- We love music here at Hotel Yorba! I will up date you on not only what I am listening to but also what My Man and The Boy are listening to.
- The Illness- I have had cancer three times over the past 11 years. I know, I know, I couldn’t just have it once! No!! Had to have three times! I am still on this jounery and will be for the rest of my life. I will inform you about my type of cancer and update you on my health. Right now all is well!
- The Leg- This ties into The Illness and Getting Fit
- The Job- I have my own business, which is great cause I am the boss and in charge. But is is also is hard cause I am the boss and in charge! The buck stops here as they say. I will talk about the day to day issues a working mom has to deal with. I am in finance and due to the strict guidelines set up by the SEC, NYSE, my broker dealer, my compliance officer and everyone else out there who likes to make rules, I will not be discussing what I do on a day to day regarding my business. You want financial advice? Find a financial advisor! We rock!
- Whatcha Reading?- I LOVE to read! I read all kinds of books and will let you know what I think is good, bad, funny, sad and steamy! You have a book you want me to read, let me know.
- The Kids & The Girls- The Kids are the four legged members of our family. They are our cats Simon and Pandora. They also go by the names of Chunky Monkey and Porky Panny. The Girls are our two legged members of our family. Our Chickens Turbo and Poppy.
There will also be the day to day updates on what the heck is going on down here in the ATL. I am going to start out by letting a few friends and family know about My Hotel Yorba, but please share it with your friends and family. Once everything is up and running smoothly, I am planning on updating one to two times a day. Any suggestions you may have are welcomed!!
For all those who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter! For those of you who do not, Happy Sunday! And for those whose kids are on Spring Break this week like The Boy is, Happy Spring Break!!