Boot Camp for The Boy!

Morning Reader’s!

The last few days have been good here at The Hotel Yorba. You? Here is a breakdown and some pictures from the past few days.

New scarf from My Man!

New scarf from My Man!


I woke up around 7:45am and let The Girls out. It was in the high 20’s/ low 30’s and The Girls were all snuggly in their coop. I went to the gym and worked out with SK. We worked on my arms/back/abs and did a little leg work. My arms are still sore today. Afterwards I had breakfast at the Cafe, an egg and cheese and pesto sandwich. Yummy! I then headed out to my 17th radiation treatment. Only 10 more to go! Woot! Woot!

When I came home I did some work and then proceeded to pass out on the couch for about an hour. I was tired. I have been getting more and more tired and the headaches suck! We ate left overs for dinner and watched a dvr’d episode of Grim. Afterwards I ended up going to bed.


The Boy

The Boy

The Boy and I woke up early to head to the gym. I signed him up for kids Boot Camp! Demarcus is the trainer for the kids boot camp. Demarcus is like 6’6. He is sooo tall and so soft-spoken. He is really great with the kids. The group is made up of boys and girls from ages 8 to 15. They meet two times a week and work on lateral movement and conditioning. While he worked out, I did too.

I think he had a good time. He was defiantly tired afterwards. Demarcus said he did a good job his first time. It was obvious that he had not done anything like this before and was worn out by the end. I really hope he takes to it. Not only is it good for him, it make me work out while he does.

When we came home, My Man and I ended up taking down and putting away all the Christmas decorations. I love it all when it is up but afterwards I am ready to get things back to normal. I then vacuumed like crazy but still found pine needles on the floor after I was done. I think I will be finding them in July!

We made homemade pizzas for dinner which turned out great and once again I went to bed early. I was just tired and had a headache.

Grandma and The Boy at dinner

Grandma and The Boy at dinner

Grandma and The Boy at dinner

Grandma and The Boy at dinner


It is raining here in the ATL this morning. Not too much planned for the day. I have laundry to do and need to clean up my closet. I plan watch some Breaking Bad episodes; I am almost done with season 2. I am going to try to go to a Yoga class (Yin/Restorative) tonight at 5:30. It will be my first one since July!!

How are you spending your Sunday?

PS- Are you working on your New Years Resolutions? I am! I will be sharing some of mine and want to hear about yours too!

I workout….

Life Time!

Life Time!

Yesterday I had my first appointment back with my trainer Sara Kate (I call her SK in the blog) since June. To be honest I really thought just walking up the stairs to the 2nd level would have worn me out that there would not have been much for us to do. However, I got up the stairs (winded) and made it to a treadmill where I walked for about 8 minutes at a slow pace.


At Lifetime Fitness, they have a ton of treadmills, some with TV’s and some that have games like solitaire on them. That is what I usually do, I walk and play solitaire! But not today, I needed to focus on not falling down, plus SK found me and came over to catch up. It had been awhile since we had seen each other. She came to visit me in the hospital during my first round of chemo and brought me an orchid that I am trying not to kill and am failing at.

Me and SK

Me and SK

SK is in her early 20’s and had been training at Lifetime for almost a year. She became my trainer when my pervious one up and left. I had really wanted a female trainer because I don’t like strange men touching me in a personal way a trainer sometimes has to do. (See the leg stretch picture below). I was never able to fully relax with my previous one. And some of the “trusting” moves …don’t get me started.

Problem was that there were not many female trainers at the time who could fit my work schedule (or that I got a good vibe from). Then came along SK! She is a lot of fun and does push me hard. She is able to work around the whole missing my left leg thing and there for balance “issues”. I tend to forget that I am almost twice her age…until we talk about music and well, I scream rockin’ 40-year-old woman. But That is ok, my music is better! The stuff kids listen to these days…

My leg getting stretched by SK

My leg getting stretched by SK

Stretching was first on order. In the past I have been pretty limber and I was  fearful that I had tighten up a lot. I would say I was 75% where I use to be. There were some points where I almost fell off the table but overall I felt pretty good about limberness (not a word but hey, it’s my blog).

We first focused on some resistance work by doing squats and work with bands (really I have no idea what they are called but look at the pictures).




Next we worked on my legs by using three different machines. The burn in my thighs hurt so good! I had missed that feeling. SK had me do 10 reps, three times. I was able to do more weight then I had when I first started working out which made me feel better. I had not turned to total jello while in my Sloth State.

Had to throw this in!

Had to throw this in!


Next we worked on my arms, which by they way I am having a hard time lifting this morning. I guess that means that it is working! I did four different exercises on three machines.  I did 10 reps, three times each.


On to the abs! Our hour was almost over, so I did only 10 reps, two times each. I did the crutch machine and the back extender (not sure if that is the name but it is my favorite).



Workin' it

Workin’ it

After that we did more stretching! My favorite part!

All Done!

All Done!

After my workout I went down to the cafe and SK told me to get the Mocha Madness smoothie with almond milk and a scoop of peanut butter! OMG. Dam thing tasted like a Reese Peanut Butter cup! So Good. She sat with me for a bit and we shot the shit. I wanted to make sure I was ok to make the drive home and appreciated her hanging out with me. Her next client had canceled due to the fact the has a sink hole his is front yard. Pickels!

I did not take this picture. No credit here.

I did not take this picture. No credit here.

After 45 minutes I got in the car and headed home a happy camper. I am feeling my workout this morning. Arms, legs, butt. It is good to have that feeling back! I had missed it! Today, I plan to either do some yoga or ride the exercise bike for a min of 20 min.

The Club

The Club

Readers!!! I hope you all go out and push yourself a bit today! If not today when?!?!