Product Review Time!!!

Good Day Reader’s!

I recently posted about the website Printstagram and how I was interested in checking our their products. I decided to take the plunge and ordered two items.


First, I ordered a frame with nine of my Instagram photos. We you go in the site, you have to give them permission to access to your pictures. One issue I had, was that I was not able to place the photo’s in the order I wanted them. I would have liked the My Hotel Yorba Star in the middle. I guess if I had to pick a different one to go in the middle, it would have been The Boy looking like Chef, Richard Blais. I also would have changed the placement of The Kids. The other thing I noticed is that they cut a bit of the borders lining the photographs on the edges off. I know, not a big deal but I but I picked the framing for each picture for a reason and would have like it to show through. But over all I was very happy with my picture and it is now hanging in our master bathroom. I will probably order from them again, maybe just two or four pictures.

Note Cards

Note Cards

My other purchase was 36 notes cards for $25.00. What a deal! I am very happy with this purchase. You are able to go and pick the picture you want to use and how many you would like of it. So, some pictures I ordered four cards of, some two and some three.  It doesn’t matter as long as you ended up with 36 total. The cards are a cute size, perfect for a little not to say Hi!, and the envelopes are self sealing. No licking! I will defiantly order more cards in the future and am even thinking about Christmas Gifts! Custom note cards for only $25.00! What a bargain.



*I got nothing from anyone, anywhere for writing this review. All thoughts are mine and mine alone.

Pinterest, finally on it!

Happy Sunday Readers. How has your weekend been? Mine has been good so far. It rained in the ATL on Saturday but that is ok. The new landscaping her at Hotel Yorba needs the rain. Great news! For the last three nights The Girls have strutted their little chicken butts up the plank and into the coop all on their own! I am one proud mama!

Shout Out!

Last Saturday our friends, Calanit and Alan, held their wedding reception (they got married in Israel in June) here in Atlanta. SInce I had just gotten out of the hospital a few days earlier, so we were not able to go. I just found out that in lieu of party favors, they donated money to the Sarcroma Foundation of America in my honor!?!!! How cool is that!?! Thank you guys!

How cool is that?

How cool is that?

Pictures from this week

Sleeping Panny

Sleeping Panny

Simon hanging out in the tent.

Simon hanging out in the tent.

What the H@!#??????

What the H@!#??????

What? I can't hear you....

What? I can’t hear you….

First Fall Spa Dip!

First Fall Spa Dip!

I want to come in!

I want to come in!

Reader’s! I have finally joined Pinterest. I know! I know! I am like 5 years behind but hey, I finally did it! If you are on Pinterest, please go follow me. Please understand, I have no idea what I am doing. I am just “pining” everything I like. I am making “boards” but have no idea why…organization? I am under as Shay Hamer or my email, I am not sure how you search for someone. So far I have two boards, “Chickens” and “Health”. I have read some interesting articles on chickens and urban chickens. Pretty cool. If you have any suggestions on what I should look at or how to get out there, let me know!