Updates, broken things and shout outs!

Readers! Things have been crazy here at the Hotel Yorba! First we had a full house for almost a week. My parents, brother, sis-in-law and niece where in town for about 5 days last week. They participated in the Merchants Market here in the ATL. They both seemed to have a great show and got the word out about their wonderful products, The Christmas Web and Ginger Leigh Designs. Check them both out!

The Boy and I got to hang out with my youngest niece, ETG, for a few days. We had a blast. She is a great girl. She hung out with me all day Friday and went with me when I hit the bank, chicken feed store and office. She even went to work out with SK and I at the gym. She rocked it. When my hour was up, she was like “we have to go?” Oh to have the energy of an 11-year-old!

Our internet has not been working for the past few days, which is why I have not posted anything. It has been very frustrating. It is crazy how much we depend on a good internet signal. We have a call into a cable company to try to run cable internet but that is not for about two weeks. Our current service sucks!  And then on Sunday, our TV in the family room died! Just stopped working. It will not turn on! Everything else turns on but not the TV. They really don’t make them like they use to do they? A TV used to last 10+ years! Now you are lucky to get one the lasts 4 years. Total Bummer.

Round 2

So far the side effects from round 2 have been the same of Round 1. I am tired. Like really tired. Like lay on the couch, pass out, wake yourself up snoring and add in some drool, tired. The pain in my ribs is still there but I am getting some new drugs today and hopefully they will help take the edge off. I am doing my best to keep being active because I know it will only help me in the end. Must stay strong!

2014 24 hours of Booty!


I am off to a wonderful start of my fundraising for the 24 hours of Booty ride I am doing in October. I have halfway to my goal! Woot! Woot! A big shout out to the following donors and recruit!.

Christy M., William H. Family, Judi R., Robert H., Vicki H., Alan V., Geri T., Michelle H. and Dona C. 


You guys rock! I am starting to work on my training program to get ready for the ride. I will continue to work out with SK twice a week when I am able. I am also going to start riding the exercise bike during the week, keep up with my yoga and go biking at the park on the weekends. I will admit, it is kind of hard get the energy up to do it all but I will do the best I can.

The Girls and Garden


Nice waddle!

Zazzles and Terrance Peterson are doing great. They are about five months old now and hopefully should be getting ready to lay some eggs in the next month or two. Zazzles cone and waddle are growing in pretty fast and her little chirp is now a lower toned one. Kinda sounds like she has a frog stuck in her throat! I am sure it will settle down soon and she will settle on a nice little chirp. Terry Pete’s black feathers are so nice and shiny. In the sun they have a dark green shine to them. Her cone and waddle are still pretty small but she seems ok with it.

The garden is doing ok. The tomatoes are growing well (cherry is doing the best) except for the fact there is a little bugger who is grabbing some of the lower hanging green ones and eating them. But does he eat all of them? Nooo! He eats half of it and then leaves the other half for me to find. Little bugger! So wasteful!

My corn looks like it is growing well (really I have no idea) along with my peppers, garlic and edamame. I have gotten a few small cucumbers but no squash yet. Whoever was eating the okra has stopped and there are some okra buds popping up. I am thinking next spring about buying more bags good soil and trying to get my soil in better shape. Any suggestions? I have used egg shells, coffee grounds and some compost. The dirt that was originally put in there was not good  at all but over the years I have added to it, so you think it would be in better shape now. But really how can you tell? I need a garden guru to come out and give me a few lessons.

Readers! I hope you are all having a good week so far. Stay Strong and Be Safe!


What’s Going On

What’s Going On

Hey Reader’s! Here is a little of what has been going on here at Hotel Yorba.

  • The Boy is taking the GA standardized tests this week at school. You know what that means? No homework for a week! I am so EXCITED!


  • I am happy to announce that Turbo and Poppy are now walking the plank up to the coop with no supervision from me! Woot! So proud of My Girls. I also read that some chickens like pumpkin puree (also good at fighting worms), so I gave The Girls some left over that I had. Well, my hens are NOT part of the chickens who like it. Turbo took one bite was like “No Thank You”. Poppy didn’t even try it.
The Girls are not a fan.

The Girls are not a fan.

  • I am going to see the Thoracic Surgeon on October 29th, 2013. The last time I saw this doctor, we will call him Dr.P., it was not a positive exerpance. In fact, he wasted our time and money and basically pissed both me and My Man off.  Things that better happen this time: Dr. P. better be positive! Better not waste my time and money (parking lot fee). Better have a date in mind to get the little (shrinking) F-ing tumor out of me!
  • I have a Instagram account for all those Instagram users out there. Follow me! I am sghamer. When we go out of town for Thanksgiving, this where I will posting my pictures. I will take my laptop so I will be able to write posts but since it is my work laptop, I won’t be able to post pictures until we come back home. So follow me!
Lifetime Fish Oil

Lifetime Fish Oil

  • I fell of the exercise bike wagon. Ok, this is what is up. Six months after I had my leg amputated in 2002, I fell and shattered my left knee and femur. Thanks to a wonderful surgeon and some luck, they were able to patch it back together. However, it is on borrowed time. About five or six years ago I had to get injections into my knee due to intense pain. These have worked but I would still have bad days.  About a year ago I started taking fish oil pills daily and I noticed a major difference. My knee felt wonderful. I would still have bad days if I over worked it but they were few and far between. I only use one type of fish oil pills that I get from my gym. They are peppermint flavored and have no after taste what so ever. I will never change. I have taken different ones before and the after taste is DISGUSTING! Well, about a little over month ago I ran out of pills and just got a new bottle on last Thursday. My knee has been hurting for about a week now. Some days are worse than others but I am scared to do any major exercising till it starts to feel better. I am hoping the fish oil pills and the joint maintenance pills I got, will get me back in shape. Instead of biking I will hit the yoga mat! 
  • Breaking News! The Girls have not been using their roosting bars in their coop to sleep on at night. This has been bothering me since I think it would be cool if they did! Plus it is in their nature to want to sleep up high. So last night I went out there when it was dark and woke them up. I put Poppy up on one of the bars and I could tell she was freaked out. She soon jumped off. So I grabbed Turbo and after three tries I got her on the bar. She seemed unsure but was still on it when I locked them all up for the night. This morning I went out to open the plank door and Turbo was still up on the roosting bar! I am so proud of her! She seemed to like it up there. The only thing bad about it is that I am not sure if Poppy can jump up there due to the fact she has only one wing. I have seen her catch air in the past, so I have my fingers crossed that like walking the plank, it may take a few tires for her to get it.

What do you think? Will Poppy start roosting soon???

I’m gonna throw it out there!


How are you today? It is another fine day her in the ATL. We all slept in late today and got a slow start to our day. Now the crock pot is on and cookin’ Chicken Chili Chowder and football is on the TV. The Girls have been given their snack and The Boy found an egg from Turbo.

Yummy Good!

Yummy Good!

I then made Trader Joe’s Pumpkin bread. Here is a tip. Instead of using oil, use 1/2 cup of puréed pumpkin. The folk’s at Trader Joe’s told me about this and it makes the bread very moist and it is healthier for you!

Keeping in the pumpkin theme, The Boy and I carved a pumpkin for Halloween. I bought three pumpkins (for under $4.00 each) at Trader Joe’s. Two of them are being used in the family room as decoration and one will be placed outside.

IMG_3030 IMG_3032 IMG_3033This the one The Boy and I carved up.




IMG_3027 IMG_3028

The Boy drew out his face but was not happy with it. We used a sharpie. Opps. So, we went kind crazy with the carving. We then decided to paint the pumpkin too.

Waiting for the paint to dry...

Waiting for the paint to dry…



As I told you earlier this month, The Man and I have given up alcohol for a month. So far it hasn’t been bad but this weekend, I would have loved a glass of wine. My Man is also running every day in the month of October! I am so proud of him. Even when I was in the hospital he ran.

I’m gonna throw it out there!

Since I am feeling better and better each day and I feel like a rollie pollie, I have decided that I would ride the exercise bike for at least 30 minutes or more everyday till my surgery. I hope as the days go on, I will be able to ride longer and at a higher resistance. This will also include days I go to the gym. (Going to try to start seeing SK next week.) I did my 30 minutes today at a resistance level of 5. So, now that I have told you, I have to do it! :) Make to ask me about it (that way I will do it).

I workout….

Life Time!

Life Time!

Yesterday I had my first appointment back with my trainer Sara Kate (I call her SK in the blog) since June. To be honest I really thought just walking up the stairs to the 2nd level would have worn me out that there would not have been much for us to do. However, I got up the stairs (winded) and made it to a treadmill where I walked for about 8 minutes at a slow pace.


At Lifetime Fitness, they have a ton of treadmills, some with TV’s and some that have games like solitaire on them. That is what I usually do, I walk and play solitaire! But not today, I needed to focus on not falling down, plus SK found me and came over to catch up. It had been awhile since we had seen each other. She came to visit me in the hospital during my first round of chemo and brought me an orchid that I am trying not to kill and am failing at.

Me and SK

Me and SK

SK is in her early 20’s and had been training at Lifetime for almost a year. She became my trainer when my pervious one up and left. I had really wanted a female trainer because I don’t like strange men touching me in a personal way a trainer sometimes has to do. (See the leg stretch picture below). I was never able to fully relax with my previous one. And some of the “trusting” moves …don’t get me started.

Problem was that there were not many female trainers at the time who could fit my work schedule (or that I got a good vibe from). Then came along SK! She is a lot of fun and does push me hard. She is able to work around the whole missing my left leg thing and there for balance “issues”. I tend to forget that I am almost twice her age…until we talk about music and well, I scream rockin’ 40-year-old woman. But That is ok, my music is better! The stuff kids listen to these days…

My leg getting stretched by SK

My leg getting stretched by SK

Stretching was first on order. In the past I have been pretty limber and I was  fearful that I had tighten up a lot. I would say I was 75% where I use to be. There were some points where I almost fell off the table but overall I felt pretty good about limberness (not a word but hey, it’s my blog).

We first focused on some resistance work by doing squats and work with bands (really I have no idea what they are called but look at the pictures).




Next we worked on my legs by using three different machines. The burn in my thighs hurt so good! I had missed that feeling. SK had me do 10 reps, three times. I was able to do more weight then I had when I first started working out which made me feel better. I had not turned to total jello while in my Sloth State.

Had to throw this in!

Had to throw this in!


Next we worked on my arms, which by they way I am having a hard time lifting this morning. I guess that means that it is working! I did four different exercises on three machines.  I did 10 reps, three times each.


On to the abs! Our hour was almost over, so I did only 10 reps, two times each. I did the crutch machine and the back extender (not sure if that is the name but it is my favorite).



Workin' it

Workin’ it

After that we did more stretching! My favorite part!

All Done!

All Done!

After my workout I went down to the cafe and SK told me to get the Mocha Madness smoothie with almond milk and a scoop of peanut butter! OMG. Dam thing tasted like a Reese Peanut Butter cup! So Good. She sat with me for a bit and we shot the shit. I wanted to make sure I was ok to make the drive home and appreciated her hanging out with me. Her next client had canceled due to the fact the has a sink hole his is front yard. Pickels!

I did not take this picture. No credit here.

I did not take this picture. No credit here.

After 45 minutes I got in the car and headed home a happy camper. I am feeling my workout this morning. Arms, legs, butt. It is good to have that feeling back! I had missed it! Today, I plan to either do some yoga or ride the exercise bike for a min of 20 min.

The Club

The Club

Readers!!! I hope you all go out and push yourself a bit today! If not today when?!?!

What Would SK Do?



This morning it was my turn to take The Boy to camp. I decided that we should get a bagel from my favorite place Bruegger’s Bagels. I got the breakfast sandwich “skinny” on an olive oil and rosemary bagel. Yummy! The boy got a plain bagel with cream cheese. We then headed to camp. The boy is going to camp at our gym. We are members of LifeTime Athletics. Our location has been open for almost a year. I must say, I love our gym. First of all, it is really, really nice. They keep it clean, the employees are helpful, there is a cafe, a spa (The Boy gets his hair cut there), indoor and outdoor pools (with water slides!), squash courts, yoga studio and more. They have a wonder kids club and host Spring Break and Summer Camps. During the summer camps they take the kids on field trips to the Zoo, Braves Games, Six Flags and more. The loves going there.

I was scheduled to workout with my trainer Sara Kate at 8am. However she was unable to make it due to a death in the family. I told her not to worry, I would go in and do a “What Would SK Do?” workout. I first warmed up by walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Cool thing about their treadmills is that I can play solitaire while I walk! Next, I hit the machines. I worked on my arms, legs, and abs. I did each machine (total of 11) three times each, 15 reps. I think I did a pretty good job on my own. I got to listen to my “Rock” playlist that I had made for The Boy.

Now it is time to work! Have a great day!

The Boys “Rock” playlist

  1. Forest Whitaker-Bad Books
  2. Back Against The Wall-Cage The Elephant
  3. Virgin-Manchester Orchestra
  4. Crawling-Linkin Park
  5. Ball & Biscuit-The White Stripes
  6. I’ve Got Friends-Manchester Orchestra
  7. Son’s Gonna Rise-Citizen Cope & Santana
  8. April Fool- Manchester Orchestra
  9. Dead Leaves and The Dirty Ground-The White Stripes
  10. Gigantic-Pixies
  11. Hotel Yorba-The White Stripes
  12. Shake It Out-Manchester Orchestra
  13. The Hardest Button to Button-The White Stripes



Today started off by getting My Man and The Boy off to work/camp. I then did my AM Yoga DVD. I did the forward bend practice. Of course, I was not alone. Panny and Simon did a few cat yoga moves with me and then went off to eat a little. I was really sore from yesterday’s bike ride. My hamstrings hurt when I did the forward bend. I couldn’t go down as far as usual but by the end I felt better.

I want to give a shout out to my girl Heidi for sending me the linky link that showed me how to make links on WordPress. I knew it would be right there in front of my face and I wasn’t wrong! Thanks again Heidi!!!

My bike ride went well yesterday but during the middle of the ride I saw smoke in the distance and a helicopter hovering. Something was defiantly on fire. I told my assistant about this morning and she read the an apartment complex had a fire and it affected a section of apartments. I hope everyone is ok. By the time I left, the smoke was getting heavier and I was happy I got there when I did. It would have sucked to have to ride in it.

It looks like I will be doing Meatless Tuesday today. I had a protein smoothie while I drove to work today. I then had same salad I had on Monday for lunch. I also had some grapes and an apple with peanut butter for snacks. I have really been on a peanut butter kick lately.  It is so yummy! I only eat the Trader Joes kind. Only peanuts and salt for me!

After work, I went and picked The Boy up from camp. Boys are weird. Yesterday I went to pick him up and he was like “What took you so long?” It was 4:30. Today I get there and he is unhappy because he said I came to early! It was 4:05. I can’t win!

When we got home he had to practice his piano. I must a admit, I totally forgot about it yesterday. He has his lesson tomorrow. He has one song memorized but not the second one. I am not to worried though since the second one is a new song and much longer then the first. After practice I did a little work on My Hotel Yorba and then is was time for dinner.


I made my self a veggie quesadilla using Trader Joe’s vegetable Marsala burger and cheese as the filling. I also had a side of black beans.

The Girls

The Girls

After dinner, I went out to hang out with the girls. For snack they got home-grown lettuce and broccoli. The broccoli heads are starting to go bad so I thought I would see if they would like them.

Poppy likes it!

Poppy likes it!

I sit outside with them while they eat and then scratch the ground, inside purple Dino and take dirt baths. Hawks are an issue. A little over a month ago a hawk killed our little chicken Sally. She was a Silkie and only weighed a pound or two, much smaller then the other two. I am still upset about it, so now I hang out with them while they free range. It is a good thing I do. When I went to put them up I saw a hawk fly away. It had been hiding in a tree about not to far away from the coop.

How did that get there?

How did that get there?

Turbo on the left, Poppy on the right

Turbo on the left, Poppy on the right

Plans for the rest of the night include riding the stationary bike for a least an hour and catching up on my DVR’d shows! Oh! I have a new Twitter handle – @myhotelyorba  Go check it out and follow me…I will follow you!!

Question: How often do you go meatless? Where do you get your recipes?

So it begins…

Here I am on Easter working on getting my first “real” blog set up. I woke up last night a 3am and sat in bed for 2 hours trying to figure out why I was having such a problem setting this dam thing up! When that (and My Man’s snoring) almost drove me to the edge, I thought of what I wanted to share to the world on my blog…you now the fun stuff! So, as I fumble my way through setting this up, here are a few things I am planning to include:

            • Food Porn- I love to eat really good food. I really like it when I don’t make it, serve it or clean up after it, so I will be reviewing my favorite restaurants and not so favorite.

              Pan Roasted Wild Striped Bass

              Pan Roasted Wild Striped Bass

            • Getting Fit- Like I said, I love food. However, I don’t like the side effects. Also, I am turning the big 40 soon and I would like to be in the best shape of my adulthood as I enter a new stage in life. Plus, the clothes! Love the clothes! I will let you know where I get them, deals I find and oh, the workouts I like.
My Bike

My Bike

          • What am I listening to- We love music here at Hotel Yorba! I will up date you on not only what I am listening to but also what My Man and The Boy are listening to.
          • The Illness- I have had cancer three times over the past 11 years. I know, I know, I couldn’t just have it once! No!! Had to have three times! I am still on this jounery and will be for the rest of my life. I will inform you about my type of cancer and update you on my health. Right now all is well!
          • The Leg- This ties into The Illness and Getting Fit
          • The Job- I have my own business, which is great cause I am the boss and in charge. But is is also is hard cause I am the boss and in charge! The buck stops here as they say. I will talk about the day to day issues a working mom has to deal with. I am in finance and due to the strict guidelines  set up by the SEC, NYSE, my broker dealer, my compliance officer and everyone else out there who likes to make rules, I will not be discussing what I do on a day to day regarding my business. You want financial advice? Find a financial advisor! We rock!
          • Whatcha Reading?- I LOVE to read! I read all kinds of books and will let you know what I think is good, bad, funny, sad and steamy! You have a book you want me to read, let me know.
          • The Kids & The Girls- The Kids are the four legged members of our family. They are our cats Simon and Pandora. They also go by the names of Chunky Monkey and Porky Panny. The Girls are our two legged members of our family. Our Chickens Turbo and Poppy.


Sleepy Girl

Sleepy Girl

There will also be the day to day updates on what the heck is going on down here in the ATL. I am going to start out by letting a few friends and family know about My Hotel Yorba, but please share it with your friends and family. Once everything is up and running smoothly, I am planning on updating one to two times a day. Any suggestions you may have are welcomed!!

For all those who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter! For those of you who do not, Happy Sunday! And for those whose kids are on Spring Break this week like The Boy is, Happy Spring Break!!
