Happy Wednesday Readers!

Happy Wednesday Readers!

I am feeling a little panicky today. Tomorrow I will be admitted into the hospital for round 3 of chemo and I feel like I have a ton to do. While I did do some laundry yesterday, there is still more. Isn’t there always more? What’s up with that? I vacuumed but of course there is fur all over the floor this morning. Timber is shedding and I can’t seem to keep up. Then there is the packing! Ugh. I hate to pack. I feel like I do when I have to pack to go on a vacation. I am trying not to bring a bunch of stuff that I won’t use (like I do on vacation).

My mom and dad are on their way over here from Alabama. They will be hanging out with The Boy and all the fur children for the next five days.

I met with Molly from WDesign Landscape, Inc., earlier today. We reviewed the plans for the Hotel Yorba Landscape project. She is really excited about the coop/run project. We discussed how we could reuse the wood from the swing set and cedar fence. The fence people will start next Tuesday or Wednesday and the rest of the project will start later next week. I will try to take some pictures. Can’t wait till it is all done!

Not sure how much posting I will do while in the hospital. I will try to take more pictures this time. Take care Readers!!

9 thoughts on “Happy Wednesday Readers!

  1. I am listening to you and Aidan do homework, I can only say oh boy. I am really excited about the yard project it sounds awesome,Hotel Yorba is going to rock big time. Lots of people are sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Keep drumming, love you lots Momee.

  2. do you use a swifter on the hard surface floors? That would grab the fur easily and quickly. Something Aidan could do for you quite easily. Don’t worry so much about packing. Unlike vacation, if you forget something, it is easy enough to have someone bring to you .. That leaves the laundry. Do what most needs doing and don’t worry so much about the rest… Just get through round three. You are in my thoughts and prayers always

  3. What doesn’t get done just doesn’t get done! Just take care of yourself and get through round three. The rest will take care of itself. I think Timber is just sympathy shedding. He is showing his support by getting rid of his hair too. What a good, loyal boy! Sending lots of prayers!

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