The Majestic

Hey Reader’s!

I am writing you from room 7129 at Emory Midtown. I am all checked in and have started getting my fluids. This will last for four hours before my first round of chemo starts at 8:30pm. My meeting went well with Dr. Reed. He did say my white blood cell count was a little low but that just means I may need to take more shots after I get home. I also will have to monitor my temperature, which I do anyway. I told him I have three thermometers, one in my office, one by my bed and one in the family room! I never know when I will feel the need to take my temperature!

The Majestic!

The Majestic!

Last night Matt, the chicken man, finished up with the chicken coop/run. It looks so great! I was so afraid it would not be ready before I went back to the hospital. The pictures are a bit dark due to the time of day but I will take more when I get home and post those.

I had Matt paint the door into the run red to match our red door. He also placed four roosting poles inside the coop for them to roost on at night. I hope they remember how to do that since their old coop did not have them. 

Around 7pm my Dad, Mom and I went to get Turbo and Poppy out of their old coop/run and move them into their new coop/run. I was able to grab Turbo pretty easily and brought her into her new home. Poppy on the other hand was a bit harder to get. My dad tried to grab her, I tried to grab her, nothing. She is a fast one. I finally came up with a plan. I had my mom use a rake to force Poppy into the coop, my dad locked her in and I opened the back of the coop and grabbed her. Once I got her she leaned her head into me, it was kind of sweet.


To be honest, I think the girls were a bit overwhelmed by their new home. They didn’t have much time to explore before it got dark and it was time for them to go to sleep. We weren’t sure if they would know to walk up the plank to get into their coop. The Boy and I went up to check and sure enough they were in the back corner underneath the coop. I got down and climbed under the coop and grabbed Turbo. I then put her inside. Poppy came out from under the coop on her own and let me pick her up and put her in. They were both very chatty for a few minutes but then settled down and went to sleep.

Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!

Nesting boxes

Nesting boxes




This morning The Boy and I took a flashlight out to take a peak at them. It seemed as though they had just woken up even though it was still pretty dark out. I was able to look out my window while I was getting ready and see Turbo walk down the plank. My Mom and I then went outside to check on them and Poppy made her way down the plank. You could tell she was a bit nervous and almost fell off but she caught herself and made it down ok.


The Playground area

The Playground area

I love the “playground” area! Matt used the ladder and one of the swings from the play set to make roosting area for them to use. Turbo tried to get on one but fell off. She need some practice. I can’t wait to get home and watch them. My dad is going to get some regular dirt to put on top of the red clay, to make a dust bath area. I put a mixture of all-purpose sand and wheat straw inside their coop.

A reader, Tammy, wrote and suggested we name the new coop/run. Keeping in the spirit of Hotel Yorba, I have named it The Majestic. The Majestic is the club over the Magic Stick bowling alley where My Man and I first saw the White Stripes play.

We are so happy with The Majestic. Matt did a wonderful job. If you live in the ATL area and want a chicken coop, let me know!  




5 thoughts on “The Majestic

  1. The Majestic looks awesome! Love love love the red door:) sending you positive vibes during your stay at Emory Midtown. Fght the good fight.

  2. Love the coop easier to feed them, Dad put them up thinks they are longing for the old one. He and Aidan will hide the old one this weekend. Aidan loves it. Have a good day
    ,Love you lots Momee

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