I have turned into a cat.

Good Morning Reader’s!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. Did you have fun? Me? I impersonated a cat this weekend. I laid around. I slept. I got up. I walked around. I laid back down again. My “human” aka My Man, fed me. I napped. I stretched my right arm. I walked around. I tried to get comfortable. I laid down. This went on all weekend. I would love to say I feel rested but that is not the case. It is no wonder they (cats) sleep as much as they do. They are forever searching for the perfect nap.

The right side of my torso is very sore and where the incisions are, painful. In fact at times it feels like they are burning and I feel like they are bleeding. But they are not. I am having a hard time not using my right arm. Like opening the refrigerator. That hurts! But I automatically reach with my right hand and pull at my side. I have incisions under my right armpit, my right boob (ouch!) my right side and halfway down the right side of my back. That is the one I wasn’t planning on. The pain medication is working but it doesn’t take it all away. I am also tired. I have no energy. All I want to do is lay around and nap. I have turned into a cat.


The above picture was taken the day we adopted Timber. It was also right after I got my cancer diagnosed. This is what I really look like. I was asked to post the Jiffy Pop picture. I am not happy but here it is.

Jiffy Pop Hat

Jiffy Pop Hat

That is me after they took my glasses away and were getting ready to wheel me out and into surgery. As you can see, I have lost my eyebrows, eyelashes, my skin is a mess and I am about 15 pounds heavier. Not looking my best. But that is ok. While I have been laying around acting like a cat, I have been thinking about all I will need to do to get back to looking like I did in June. I have always been one to plan ahead.

Whatcha Reading?

Here a the books I have read recently. If you are a reader check them out.

Replay by Ken Grimwood

The Valley of Amazement- Amy Tan

The Kitchen God’s Wife-Amy Tan–Reading right now

Allegiant-Veronica Roth

Sycamore Row-John Grisham–Listening to right now


7 thoughts on “I have turned into a cat.

  1. I know we’ve never met in person but you inspire me. The way you just put it all out there is amazing. You stay in my prayers daily and I’m certain the plans you are making are just around the corner. Rest now, you’ve earned it. Kick ass when you’re feeling up to it.

  2. This to shall pass and you will look back in 2014 and go I can’t believe that is me. You need to do exactly what you are doing,REST give your body a chance to ‘re-coop. You have taken that plan ahead thing from me, it is ok then nothing comes out of the blue. Take care, love you lots,lots,lots Momee

  3. I bet that hat kept your head nice and warm during the surgery…never saw one like that…napping is good…your body has been through a war these last months and it needs the downtime. I would think you should start to see signs of hair growth fairly soon. My scalp itched as it came in…but my eyebrows and lashes really itched…here’s hoping you get the itch soon. Meantime…rest. Love you bunches…

  4. Love the hat, we’re you able to get one to go, like the fall risk bracelet? Xoxo. You are awesome, be one with the cat as long as you need to. Or, lay like timber did (a few photos ago), that works too..

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