It’s been one week….

…and about $2,100.00 worth of pills later and I am feeling fine. Pretty good actually. I get a little tired here and there (thank you Rebecca for letting take a nap at your house on Sunday!) and I am still taking my pills for the nausea. We are going back to see Dr. Read on the 12th. They will just take some blood and run tests on it. They will be checking my liver, kidneys and white blood cell count. At this point, I have no reason to think they won’t come out good.

Who doesn't love a picture of Panny?

Who doesn’t love a picture of Panny?

I do get sharp pains in my right side every so often. They remind my of the pains I would get in my left foot back when I had one. They feel like being stabbed with an ice pick (not that I know what that feels like!). It also seems that these pains usually happen when I am in the car! Not good.

Look! A Headband! And Hair!!

Look! A Headband! And Hair!!

On Saturday night My Man will be taking me out to dinner to Quinones at Bacchanalia for my birthday dinner. My big day isn’t till the 13th but I will be going out-of-town on the 14th. I can’t wait. I took My Man there for his birthday dinner last November. It was SO GOOD! I am really looking forward to it.

Bedtime #1

Bedtime #1

Zazzles and Terrance Peterson are moved into the Majestic. Turbo and Poppy still pick on them a bit. They want all the treats for themselves. I think they will soon find out that will not fly for much longer. Z and TP will continue to grow and soon will be the same size has Turbo and Poppy. They may have something to say about the sharing of treats then!

Sleeping in the nesting boxes.

Sleeping in the nesting boxes.

No matter how much I try, they all insist on sleeping in the nesting boxes!

Timber & BFF Rebel

Timber & BFF Rebel

Today is day 24 of my 30 day 10,000 step FitBit/LifeTime Fitness challenge. I have been doing pretty well so far. I am getting tired but I will not give up till it is done. Right now, I am in 7th place at my gym! Whoot! Whoot! I have no idea that I would even be in the top 10. After the challenge is done, I am going to take a day off but then try to hit the 10K mark five days a week.

Getting two new legs!

Getting two new legs!

I know many people can’t say it but I am getting two new legs soon! One with an everyday foot like the one I have now. I can move the heel depending on the height of my shoe heel. The other will be a “sporty” foot. One that I can work out in and that is extra bouncy and light. It was crazy switching between the two. This will be the first time I have a workout foot/leg. I can’t wait! I will take pictures of them when they are all done. I am hoping to get them by mid June.

Have a Happy Thursday!!

8 thoughts on “It’s been one week….

  1. So excited for all your news Shay! I think of you often and am proud of you in how you handle the challenges in your life! It amazes me that your life seems to “just continue as usual”. And those men in your life are awesome supporters as well!

    I hope I get to see y’all this summer!

  2. …….when zack and kysha were boy’s age itaughtt them to raise monarch butterflies……easy and if you are interested talk to me or Kysha,…..go from an egg to a butterfly in 20 dAYS and all you need is milkweed…….Damn,, faced with a gallon of pills each day…….dislike taking them…..,mine can’t top your price ticket…..good to know others paddling a similiar canoe,,,,,,love Kysha’s Mom

  3. I’m glad the pills aren’t bothering you too much..Your birthday dinner will be fabulous! sounds so yummy . Yay on getting a workout leg/foot. Bet if you had it now, you would be in 1st place!

  4. Lookin good lady! So glad you’re feeling better. And thanks for the motivation. I’ve been trying to get back my distance running strength and endurance but haven’t pushing myself harding enough. Just hearing about your fitness challenge progress has boosted my spirits. CHEERS!

  5. I am always thinking positive thoughts you inspire me as you do so many friends and family. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee

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