How the heck are you? Did you have a good Monday? Mine was good. Today was the first day of Rock Band Camp for The Boy. When we got there they all remembered him (by name) from last summer! How cool is that!. He had a great time. He will playing the guitar this year. I told him to try singing but he didn’t. Although he said maybe he should have. The singer isn’t the best he said. They are learning two songs, Miss You by the Rolling Stones and Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. They will have a concert on Thursday night. I will make sure to take some pictures. I can’t wait! Last year I had to miss his concert because I was the hospital for my first round of chemo. Not this year!
My juicing is still going strong. On Sunday I bought more cucumbers and celery. I have added broccoli stems to the mix. I also went to Whole Foods today and bought some wheat grass. That stuff is $$$$. I have decided to buy my own seeds and start growing it myself. Wheat grass is super good for you and I want to add it to my daily juicing without going bankrupt! I have given up red meat and haven’t eaten pork since I was 13! I want to cut down my chicken intake to only once or twice a week if that (I think it would make The Girls happy). Fish, turkey and veggies. I plan to eventually cut out chicken totally but will keep eating eggs, cause they are a gift! I will try to only eat my eggs or ones where I know they are organic. The more I read the more and more I realize how important it is to watch what we are putting into our bodies. Our American diet is nothing like it was 50, even 25 years ago and it isn’t getting better. Best to take charge and start taking care of this body of mine!
I would walk 10,000 miles (steps)….
I ended up coming up in 7th at my gym for the 10,000 steps a day challenge. Not too bad! After a bit of a break where I was hitting 7000 steps a day I have decided to go back to the 10,000 steps per day. It isn’t easy! I sit on my ass a lot! But once again, I need to take care of the body. I am not getting any younger!
This weekend we went to see friends we haven’t seen for a while. There kids are getting so big. Baby K wanted to do everything that The Boy was doing so they had to find her headphones and she borrowed her mom’s iPhone. So cute!
We had a nice dinner and drank some good wine. The Boy hit a wall around 8:30pm and passed out on the couch. There was drool. I guess the party finally caught up to him. I to got tired and passed out when we got home.
Travel Time!
Reader’s, My Man and I will be heading to Quebec City soon. I can’t wait! We went last year for my 40th birthday and we had a nice time. If you take a look at my June 2013 post you will see some pictures from my post about it. We have rented a condo this time in the lower part of Old Quebec City.
Doesn’t it look nice? I have already looked into juice bar but couldn’t find any in walking distance. Hopefully they will have some juice at the grocery store or a market near by. I don’t want to miss four days!
It is time for me to go out and visit the girls and play with Timber. Have a wonderful night!!
Guitar, how lucky
Not Drums
Oooh have a fantastic time!!! Look forward to the pics