Readers! The. Boy. Has. Armpit. Hair. What the heck!?! He is only nine years old! What is happening (Don’t worry, I know what is happening…). Yesterday and today all he has been talking about is how he has armpit hair. More on the right then the left. At first I thought he was talking crazy. However, in VERY bright light, you can see about 5 hairs under his right pit. He is over the moon! Takes his shirt off and pets it. Runs to the bathroom mirror to look at it. Shoves his pit in my face so I can look at it. Nice. He says he is the only one of his friends who has any armpit hair and that he is advanced for nine. I asked, “How do you know you are the only one?” “They would have told me Mom, they would have told me.” OK….
My Man being my man, googled it and sure enough boys start going through puberty beginning around 9 years old. Today we went to the store and while I was picking up a prescription I asked him if he needed anything. To my surprise he said yes but wanted to wait until I had paid (got it free) for my medicine. Once I was done, he whispered to me he wanted deodorant! What? what? Who is this kid? He is gone a week and comes home with hair under his pits and the need (want) for deodorant! Pickles.
Aparently all of his friends were wearing deodorant at camp. In fact, he wore some on his friends deodorant. Lesson #1- DO NOT share your deodorant with your friends. I told him we would ask his dad. My Man said why not (he thinks he was in the third grade when he started) and we found him a travel size of deodorant, showed him how to use it and once again, The Boy is thrilled. Puberty is the best thing! Sweet Sweet Pickles.
What’s next? (I know what is next and I AM NOT GOING THERE!)
Night Readers…..
Try Primal Pit Paste. Kathleen and I have been using it for a year and I ordered Ian some, at his request, last week. I love it and it is natural – no aluminum.
Lol!! You may not WANT to go THERE, but best to go before it’s NECESSARY!! And much easier at a younger age…good luck;)
There is definitely a smelly change that happens around 3rd to 4th grade. I was volunteering at the school field day a few weeks ago and you could smell those 4th graders coming! They smelled like a bunch of stinky little Europeans.
Didn’t you say he was holding hands with a girl at camp?
I am sitting here LOL-ing.
This is fantastic! I love it. Thank you for making me smile today! XO
Home where Wi-Fi works. Wow Aidan is growing up the youngest of my grands is hitting puberty. What’s with that!!!! Have fun at the lake. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee your writting is awesome.