Readers! How was your weekend? Ours was pretty low-key. I decided to take it easy by not doing too much. There was some yard work done. Sometimes I sit outside drinking coffee or a glass of my green juice while Timber runs around doing his thing. I stare at the bushes and finally had enough and trimmed them. As I written before, I made The Boy help me clean up. He did a pretty good job all weekend. He is under punishment and has taken in very well. He did a lot of playing in the yard and reading. If this punishments gets him reading more than one good thing will come from it.
His buddy aka The Friend, challenged him to the ice water bucket challenge for ALS. He was super excited to do it. I would love to post the video but I am able to do so but if you check on my Facebook page you can see it. He did challenge his Papa, his Uncle and his God Father. Y’all know who you are!! Suck it up and do it or donate to a wonderful cause.
Someone got a spa treatment on Sunday. We can’t have her getting dreadlocks again. My Man likes her patch and wants to keep it! Not sure she would be up for that.
Monday Morning
Over the weekend Candy called to see how I was doing. The woman never stops working. She asked if I could come in and get some blood taken and pick up a prescription for a drug that will help some of the side effects I am and will be feeling due to tomorrows chemo treatment.
I hope you are having a good monday so far. Looks like it may rain here in the Atl. Be Good, Be Safe.
Shay, glad to see there is plenty of “normal” still in your life. Good luck tomorrow; as always, I’ll be thinking of you and sending <<<>>> your way.
That’s supposed to say “good vibes.” Apparently I’ve offended WordPress.
I like the fact that Candy is on top of how you are feeling and giving you drugs to kick the bad vibes. I liked Dr. Read but I like the new group a little bit more. Constantly amazed how strong you are, Dad and I are strong but compared to you we are wooses. Love you lots,lots,lots and thinking good thoughts. Momee