Oh Boy, The Boy…


Monday Morning

Monday Morning

Readers! How are you? How was your weekend? Did you have good weather? Get a lot of chores done, watch Football? Oh’ com on, who didn’t watch football! Rise Up ATL! That game had My Man and I out of our chairs. I could stop moving I was freaking out so much. It was a crazy good game.

I had another good day yesterday until I got a call from The Boys teacher. Turns out The Boy hasn’t been doing everything he was supposed to be doing and a lot of what he isn’t supposed to be doing. One being not treating his teacher the way he should be. This is a big deal to me. Respect to adults, to everyone, is very important and stressed here at Hotel Yorba. Then there is a binder that should have been coming home full of all of his work and study materials for the past two weeks that has yet to show up. Even after being told five times by his teacher to bring it home, it sat on his desk last night.

The Boys life will be radically changing here at home. Electronics, TV, Video games all gone. A lot more reading and studying. Speaking of studying, how does one teach you child to study? How do you teach them to want to study? He is having a test on Native Americans today that we have been reviewing for the past few days. Does he know it? He got an A on the quiz but a C on class work. He also has a spelling test on Friday. It would be nice to have the words to study but those have been “lost”. To say I am frustrated with The Boy would be an understatement. However, know what is causing 90% of issues and that is me and my illness. I can’t tell you how many times a day he asks how I am feeling. Or last night how many times he told me I was so pretty even though I had to shave the rest of the fuzz off of my head.

If some of you have older children, any advice? I am going to e-mail the school councilor (might as well have my tax dollars be put to work) and see if he can start meeting with her. Maybe he will talk to her about what is going on and how he is feeling. Sometimes you just need a 3rd party to speak with.

Round 2 Part 2



My Mom and Dad came into town so that my Mom could come to my treatment with me today. It was a long day. There were issues with my port, the computers were down, the pump wasn’t working and the tubbing didn’t fit. I didn’t sleep all that great night before so I was and still am pretty tired. I tired to sleep but it is hard when you are woken up every 15 min to have my vitals taken. Sucks! But other than that that my numbers looked pretty good. There was woman next to me who numbers did not look good and had to be checked into the hospital! Pickles. The poor thing. She looked ok tome but I guess that is why there is no DR. in front of my name.

I am hoping you are all having a good day. I hope The Boy comes home with his binder and a good report. Let’s hope we can get him on the right track. Be Good! Be Kind!

8 thoughts on “Oh Boy, The Boy…

  1. I have often wondered how the Boy was handling all this. I think the idea of meeting with the counselor is an excellent idea. So sorry it was a crappy day at the infusion center. it is stressful enough when all goes according to plan…screw ups just make it worse. Here’s hoping Aidan has his binder and anything else that needs to be done. Patience… Maybe set some goals for him to earn SOME privileges back, with limitations on time?

  2. If it makes you feel any better you are not alone in The Boy forgetting his binder! We also had a Native American test to study for & *I* really needed that damn binder which of course was at school!! lol. At least your Boy has a good excuse-worrying about you! Mine spends his time worrying about soccer & food!! smdh! If you ever want to chat about the wonders of 4th grade boys I’m here for ya!
    Feel good! Take time for you.

  3. I fear that Aidan has inherited one of my least desirable genes – That being the one which triggers the liking of school work. There’s a photo in my HS yearbook of me tossing my books into my locker with the caption “They’ll be safe in there for another night”. But seriously, I think those tables vs. desks has a lot to do with it. Terrible idea!

    • Good news, he had a great day yesterday. Now we just need to have him keep up the good work. It was once to finally see the white binder for the first time! And don’t blame yourself, i was all that big on school back in the day. Just wanted to read and do Socail Studies.

  4. Glad to see the binder and spelling words come home, he did know a lot of words. I enjoyed him reading about the Native Americans, think it is a good idea you have him read out loud.
    You are unbelievable Shannon-Marie, this morning you are up and going. It was an education yesterday at chemo, really like Candi. I felt sorry for the lady waiting for the hospital room.
    I to did not care for school except literature and social studies somehow we all managed to get thru and our children got through. Aidan will come through but as you know he can get through a day without electronics. He is never happy with Papa and I when we don’t let him bring it in to there restaurant.
    Counselor which I have felt this year would be helpful even a group of children whose parents are also going through cancer.
    Love you lots,lots,lots Momee.

    • Nita. A support group for kids. What a great idea. Shay, you should check with the docs and see if there is one in the area. Would be a good addition to seeing the counselor if there is. It is always helpful to be with others who are going through the same thing as you

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