Rain, Rain, Go Away….

Rain. I know we need it but I have had enough! It has been raining for days. Not only that, it is cold! It is warmer in Montreal, Canada today then in the ATL. I had to turn on the heat today. I was working from home today and my hands were freezing! Plus, all this rain has put a stop to the pool renovation. My Man talked to Bob today and he said the plan was to lay the pebble-tec this Friday but due to the rain it has been pushed backed. UGH! He did say we would be swimming by Memorial Day weekend. The patio my not be resurfaced but the pool will be ready. Fingers are crossed!

The poor Girls are all wet and muddy. Their water container keeps getting full of dirty water and yesterday I had to throw away all of their food because it got all wet and gross. I want the sun out now!


We had a fund weekend. On Saturday we went to a First Communion of a friend of The Boy’s and son of our good friends. Afterwards we went back to their house for a party. We got home around 7:30 and spent the part of the evening sitting out on the porch watching the rain and listening to music.


See those lights? Got them at Target. No more “real” candles for outside. These take AA batteries. I think I will get more for outside too.


On Sunday, I went to the gym to workout and then hit the grocery store. The Boys went to go see Iron Man III. They loved it! The Boy thought it was the best one yet. There is less than three weeks of school left. I am soooo ready for school to be over. I am tired of homework. I am tired of studying for tests. I am tired of looking at grades. I am tired of waking up at 6am. I am tired of forcing The Boy to get up and dressed. I am tired.

Question: Are you ready for Summer?


2 thoughts on “Rain, Rain, Go Away….

  1. We have been cold and the wind was bad today was better.I have miss the rain but I bet our yard I’d making the neighbors sick. Remember how you are feeling about the rain when it gets that southern heat.

  2. I am definitely ready for summer! I can’t wait to sleep in and spend time with my family and friends. :)

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