Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Love! Got this from Kysha!!

Love! Got this from Kysha!!

The last few days here have been kinda crazy. I had all these plans for things to take care of, to do and to buy but they have hit a brick wall. I have been sick for the last 4 days. It has sucked!!! I have the coughing (the kind that hurts your chest), running nose, sore throat (losing my voice) and body aches. For those who have been sending me texts and FB questions, that is why I have been MIA. This morning I am back to 70%. My voice isn’t so weak and when I talk, I am not breaking out into a coughing fit. Yesterday I kept yelling at my nieces “No laughing! No laughing!”. Which just made us all laugh more and brought on another coughing fit by me. Funny but it hurt.

Some of you have asked how the port placement went. Well, it didn’t. They are still trying to fit me in. If I didn’t feel like Poo, I think I would be really pissed off right now. But whatever. They all know when I am checking in, so I will let them deal with it. This gives me more time to feel better. I do not want my treatment to be postponed by some stupid cold.

How cool is this??

How cool is this??

How cool are those Pez? The Boy wants them so bad. Or at least the candy. He wanted to open the package….not on your life! Thank you Jennifer!

Today I am going to try to get more rest, do some work for my JOB and wash some clothes I will need for my hospital stay. Any suggestions on what I should bring? I am bringing every electronic I can think of. Please have been asking me what I need and I have no idea. Do you??

Have a great day!

One thought on “Good Morning!

  1. From my own experience and others I have talked with over the years…chemo plays hell with your taste buds…I stocked up on things I thought I would like and then couldn’t tolerate. In my case, white starch and sweets were about all I could handle…it was different for everyone. The hair thing…before it starts to fall out, quite often your head starts to itch…wicked. I remember being in the grocery store and scratching so bad a lady near me moved away..I think she thought I had head lice. I had scheduled getting my head shaved about 10 days or so after my first treatment..that stopped the itch and I did not have to deal with leaving clumps of hair everywhere I went.

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