Friday! Friday!

Good Morning!

I hope you are all doing well on this Friday morning. I can see the sun is out here in the ATL from my room on the 7th floor. Last night was uneventful. Slept till around 4:30am. Tiffany (yeah!) was my night RN and she had to change my meds and take some vitals. I had to use the restroom anyway and was able to fall asleep right after. My Man woke me up talking on the phone with his dentist. He overslept! Had to change is morning appointment to an afternoon one.

My chemo started a 6:30am and finished around 8:30am. Afterwards I took a “sponge” bath and changed my clothes, I had a bit of an incident. As you know, I am a below the knee (left leg) amputee. The only time I have fallen out of bed (because I didn’t put my prosthetic on) was right after The Boy was born and I was in the hospital. I had taken my leg off and then proceeded to stand up and fall. Not smart. Well, it happened again! I am ok but my leg is pretty sore. When I do put on my leg and walk it hurts. I will try to lay off of it for a while. I just feel like an idiot! Rookie mistake.

Later today my mom, dad and The Boy are headed to Montgomery, Alabama. On Saturday my dad and brother will be participating in their first triathlon. My dad just turned 69 yesterday!! I think they are both a bit nervous about the whole thing. The swim with be in a lake. It will be a staggered start, so not a total free for all. Last year there were 100 participants in the race, so hopefully this one will be low-key too. The cool thing for The Boy is that he doesn’t know his aunt and uncle and cousins will be there too. He will be very excited. Bad thing is I won’t see him till later on Saturday.  

For breakfast I had a protein shake and a cup of coffee I made with the portable coffee maker Dona C. loaned to me. It works perfectly! I brought two containers of soup from Breadwinner for me to eat during lunchtime.

Theo is back this morning! The floor is booked full of patients but it is pretty quite right now. Soon I will get my soup and walk to the microwave. Get some exercise!

Reader’s!! The weekend is almost here! Be good, Be Safe and Enjoy it!!


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