
It was a busy morning here at the Hotel Yorba. First, we are into day two of the fence removal, Part of The Hotel Yorba Landscape Project. Woot! Woot! It is a cedar fence, so we are going to try to save a lot of the wood to reuse in the coop/run project. However part of the wood was infested with carpenter bees but I think we will have enough.


Hopefully this will be a chicken run soon!


Lots of ivy was covering the fence.


The horrible from gate is gone!!


We are getting estimates to take the huge old oak tree in the backyard. After all the rain we have had and since it has some damage to it, we think it is time to take it done. Not thrilled about the damage doing so will do to our back account but better than it falling on our house.

We also have the AC man here, who is a friend (thank goodness). I noticed the upstairs air stopped working last night and gave him a call. And at 11am here he is! My man and I know nothing about this stuff and luckily Travis told us that it wasn’t a big deal, it could have been but we got him out here in time.

I am feeling a bit better, the meds are helping my tummy but I am still very tired and mind is fuzzy and I have a hard time tracking. Please do not ask me anything to important. Thinking makes my brain hurt.

Go out and enjoy your day!!!

4 thoughts on “Bees!!!

  1. Glad the meds are helping the nausea. I hated losing my mind…the fuzziness, then the whole forgetful thing. By the time I had 3 sessions under my belt, I couldn’t remember anything.seriosly. And I can’t tell you how many times I sat at the stop SIGN on Joy rd waiting for it to turn green.

  2. Glad to hear your tummy is coming along,I could make a comment about the brain but you would say something about mine. Can’t wait to see the back yard New chicken coop, yea. Love you lots, Momee

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