Day 2 Type-A Parent Conference
My day 2 of the Type-A Parent Conference started off with the Expo Opening. I love me a good expo. I love me free stuff! They have the conference in a few cities throughout the US, so it keeps it smaller, which is nice. I got a lot of different kind of bars for The Boy to try out. They also had some dog food samples for Timber!
I also spoke with the people from the Minute Clinic that is located in certain CVS’s throughout the US. The clinic’s focus on colds, flu, shots etc. The nice thing is they are open 7 days a week. Have a sore throat on a Saturday? Go to Minute Clinic. Did your child wake up throwing up Sunday morning? Go to Minute Clinic. There is one near my office and I will definitely check it out. Plus they are sending me a swag bag with full sized samples! Can’t wait!
One session I went to was titled Semantic Markup and Webmaster Tools. Wow. So. Over. My. Head. Yeah, not sure what the hell they were talking about. I really wish my Dad was there. He would have been totally into and would have know what they were talking about. Blogging is a much bigger industry than I had realized. There are people out there making lots of money and I don’t think most of the public even realizes it. I also went to a session called Share Your Knowledge: Making Money with Webinars. The speaker was a women who makes a living doing webinars teaching people Photoshop and other graphic art programs. She said she start because a few years ago she was looking on the internet for help learning more about the latest Photoshop release and couldn’t find anything to help her. So she started doing webinars. She offers them free for a week, with notes and then sells the taped sessions later.
This conference was geared towards women, however there were few men. Most of the women I spoke to were moms. Some have jobs other than blogging, like me, some are stay at home mom’s who started blogging and then started making money doing it. I met a woman whose blog,, is all about home schooling her children in Florida. Her kids have never gone to a traditional school. One blogger I met started a blog,, about the foreclosed home she and her husband bought and are redoing. Her before and after pictures are amazing!
I also met Lindsey Peterson with Mom It Forward Media. She is the Social Media and Community Manager for the company.
Mom It Forward ™ is a social media community and worldwide network dedicated to enhancing the lives of women, their families, and the communities in which they live. By partnering with various brands and organizations, Mom It Forward provides the community with in-the-know information via a weekly #gno event. The #gno parties enable women to share and learn about a topic of interest from expert panelists, effectively creating a unique platform for real-time interaction with hundreds of participants. – from
The website is a great way for bloggers to get their name out there and have people learn about them and their blog. I will defiantly check it out and see if I become part of the community.
Overall I learned that I have a lot to learn about blogging, the community, branding, the tools….EVERYTHING. But I have only been doing this since June and everyone I met had been part of the industry for years, so I am not worried. I will defiantly try to attended more conferences and meet more smart inspiring women!
There’s a Big World out there and any part of it is yours for the taking, the key is KNOWLEDGE. The price of admission is a willingness to learn and courage to jump in, then don’t quite until you succeed, because most will.
It sounds really educational even though I do not blog I would have been interested. Definitely let me know when the next convention is going to be, my suitcase is always ready really I don’t even put it away. One thing that in the last ten years is the education I have learned about cancer wish I hadn’t had to learn but now I understand a lot. Love you lots, Momee
I can help you with semantics and webmaster tools if ever need help understanding. Social Media Marketing (and designing/coding for it) and Reputation Management was my focus at my old job for the last 6 years I was there.