Hey Reader’s!
Do you know someone who has sick and has to spend time in the hospital or at home in bed? Are you at a loss when it comes to helping them out or what to get them? Since I have had some recent experience regarding this, I thought I might give you some suggestions. I know a lot of people might not feel comfortable ask their friend or love one and I know the sick person might also feel weird or uncomfortable asking (like me!) for help.
Hospital rooms are dull and boring. If your loved one has to spend more than a day in one, try to make it as comfortable as possible. Friends gave us blankets that My Man and I took with us. The blankets in the hospital are thin, brown and dull. My one friend went ahead and washed the blanket she gave me and it smelled so fresh and clean! The other blanket was a pink breast cancer one (cancer is cancer) that is so soft! We then went out and bought our own pillows and new pillow cases. The pillows are far more comfortable than the standard hospital pillows. Plus the pillow cases can be washed before hand and smell of home, which where your loved one really wants to be.
It it can get very boring be stuck in the hospital. You can walk around the floor only so many times and midday TV sucks. No HBO or Showtime at most hospitals. Books are good however I found that while going through chemo, I have a hard time focusing on the words. No matter how much I try, I can only read a few paragraphs and then I give up. So what can you do? If your loved one has an iPad you can buy them a iTunes gift card so they can buy a movie to watch. I know you also can buy Amazon and Barnes and Noble gift cards too. Or if you or they have HBO you can log into to HBO to Go and watch movies or one of their series. I believe that Showtime also as website where you can watch movies on your tablet or computer. The last time I was in the hospital, I watched Argo and got caught up Boardwalk Empire. If there is a DVD player, you can stop and grab the latest releases. The first time I went in for chemo, My Man got Ted and Sliver Linings Playbook for us to watch from the Red Box at the grocery store. Audio Books are a great option too. As you know, I listen to a lot of them thru Audible.com and love it.
Another gift that I got and love was a pair of headphones. Ear buds no longer work for me. They just don’t feel right anymore. I love the feel of headphones much more than ear buds, they hug your ears. Plus every time I put them on I feel like a DJ! If your loved one has a spouse staying with them, they could use a pair too! My Man has had to use them the last two night due to my loud snoring!
Hospital food sucks. It really does. It also isn’t that healthy if you ask me. I am luckily that on my floor at Emory Midtown, there is a patient refrigerator I can store food in. The last time I went in for chemo, I brought in soup from Breadwinner Cafe. I packed in Tupperware and was able to use the microwave in the guest waiting room to heat it up for lunch. This time I brought in yogurt for breakfast, fruit, cheese and crackers and more soup for lunch. I also brought in a gallon of unsweetened ice tea! My Man and I have been drinking so much of it, he might have to go get another gallon. Not sure what to bring when you visit your loved one? Bring them food! Find out if they have access to a refrigerator and microwave. Do they have a favorite deli or restaurant that has prepare food to go? If coming for a morning visit, call or text and tell them you are stopping at the bagel shop, what do they want? Don’t ask them if they want you to stop, tell them you are!
Need more suggestions? Toilet Paper! The toilet paper in hospitals is not soft! Find out the kind they use and bring them some. My friend Rebecca did that for me after I complained and since then we have brining our own. Also Kleenex. Once again, the hospital’s is very tin and rough.
Think if it were you. What would you want with you? A favorite stuffed animal? I picture or plant? Have a favorite snack you always eat after dinner? Ask your loved one. Talk to them about their needs. Since they can’t be home, bring home to them!
Great ideas. Your rooom definitely looks more comfy and cozy than the others I’ve seen. Hopefully, tonight will be your last night there! Theo will miss you!
Great suggestions, it is hard to decide what to bring so of course a flower. I saw the orchids in the bathroom enough said about that. Everyone is excited about you coming home I have told Timber he told Pannie she told Simon. Aidan and I had fun yesterday he is eating the cereal getting ready for the school day. Love you lots Momee
Excellent post, Shay! Several of those suggestions would also work for chemo patients who have chemo but don’t stay in hospital for it….the blankets, iTunes cards, etc. I sure wish I had a tablet and headphones back when I was having chemo. The tv was always set to CNN and you can imagine how repetitive it was over the course of a 4 hour infusion.