Hey Readers!!
I know it has been a few days since I have updated. I got back from the hospital Tuesday evening. Tuesday was a long hard day. I just wanted to go home! I won;t go into it because I am home now and that is all that matters. What’s new? Well, that little shitty tumor is getting smaller! Woot! Woot! Heard from Dr. Read today who e-mailed me the report and it has shrunk from 2.8 x 6.5cm to 2 x 3.8cm. He was pretty happy with the shrinkage (what? what?) and is going to meet with the Tumor Board tonight and talk to the surgeons. He wants to wait a least three more weeks before surgery so it can have time to shrink more. Very happy about this news.
I have been able to spend a little time with The Girls in the morning the last two days. Timber and I go up there with a morning snack and watch them eat and do there things. I have made some notes on my iPad of a few things I want to do when I get stronger. I need to get some pine straw to spread around the front and side of the coop but also where the old one use to be. Looks pretty barren right now. The Boy and I are still having to go out each night at duck to help them up to the coop. They have made nests in the straw under the coop and Poppy has been laying her eggs there. I think she would sleep there if we didn’t move her. I read that it could take up to three weeks for them to start going up and in on their own. The move really messed with them! But over all I know they are happy with their new home.
I have added some pictures I have taken over the past few days here at home and at the hospital. I hope you are all doing well. Let me know if you have any questions or ideas of what you want me to write about.
Happy Fall Y’all!
Excited about the shrinkage more then excited. Love the hanging food and water it looks great and probably no straw in the water container. My wounded arm is almost gone tell Poppy. I am really interested what the tumor board has to say I can’t believe they have a board, good. Love you lots Momee
Shitty little tumor becoming shitty littler tumor! Yeah! Shrink, tumor shrink!
This is great news!!!! Thanks for sharing.
You know how I love to over share with you Rebecca!