Well Shit.

It is another chilly morning here in the ATL. I would like to say that yesterday was a fluke and Poppy sailed down the coop with little effort but then I would be lying. The Boy even came out with me to watch her decent. Turbo came out first and was steady and determined on her journey down the plank. Poppy…well Poppy brought a smile to our face and the first giggle of the day.

I heard from Dr. Read late in the day yesterday. The little f-ing tumor was not dead. Well Shit. I have an appointment with a Dr. Higgins at Emory. She, yes She, is a Radiation Oncology, Assistant Professor and her focus is head and neck cancer and lung cancer. Now, I don’t have lung cancer but my tumor was in (and out) of my right lung, so she is a good fit. I am excited that she is a she. It will be interesting do see how she interacts with her patients. Is she like Dr. Read or Dr. Pickens?

I wasn’t thrilled to hear that I would be going through radiation. I would really like my cancer journey to be done but that is not the case. I called my friend Gerri, who has been my go to girl during since June. She told me that radiation will be the easiest thing I have had to do since I was diagnosed. It is just a bit of a pain in the ass. She had to go in for treatment every day, five days a week, for 30 days. And the actual treatment lasts for like five minutes. She said she got to know the valet guys and they stopped parking her car. They would just pull it over to the side since she would be back in less than ten minutes.

Now, there are many different types of radiation therapy and who knows what kind I will have. My case is different from Gerri’s. She had a tumor they were focusing on and shrinking before her surgery. I don’t have a tumor anymore. Just a general area where a tumor once was, so I don’t know what my treatment will entail.

We are entering a very busy time of the year. We are going out-of-town for Thanksgiving and then again for a small trip to Barnsley Gardens the second week of December. And then there is Christmas. So, like I said before, having radiation right now is going to be a pain in the ass. But that is ok. I trust Dr. Read and he is doing his best to make sure that this is the last time I and my family have to go through this.

And to end on a happy note, I present you with Tired Puppy.


4 thoughts on “Well Shit.

  1. I, like you, trust Dr. Read he is funny, kind and not bad looking. Poor Poppy, it is always good to laugh in the morning, but she probably would prefer being able to walk down the plank without being the comedy act. Have a good day, love you lots, lots, lots Momee

  2. Well shit is right. Will be interested to hear what the doc’s decision is on the radiation. Mine was like your friend, Gerri’s. 33 days..I did mine on my lunch hour..and after the chemo it was pretty much a breeze. Don’t know how the other types go…but whatever it is, you can do it. You are our warrior

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