Snow in the ATL!

Good Day Reader’s!

It is snowing in the ATL! Timber and I went outside to check it out. He loved it! I thought it was just ok. It has been snowing now for over an hour and it has not let up. Not really looking forward to driving down my driveway to go pick up The Boy from the bus stop.

IMG_3550 IMG_3549 IMG_3548 IMG_3547 IMG_3542 IMG_3543A few of our friends came in town last weekend. It was so nice to see them. It has been about a year since we were all together. We all met at our friends house and watched poor Michigan State lose in basketball. Booo!!! But my #2 team, The Wichita State, won! My friend Jaime, who is a photographer in Wichita, photographs the team all the time. Last year she traveled with the team during March Madness and I saw her on TV. Anyway, she sent me a cool shirt!! Woot! Woot! How nice!  She thought I should represent my #2 team. Thank you Jaime!

Thank You Jaime!

Thank You Jaime!

Some of my ladies!

Some of my ladies!

Sleeping puppy and Miss Devra

Sleeping puppy and Miss Devra

Rebecca and Me

Rebecca and Me

Devra, Dora Rebecca and Me.

Devra, Dora Rebecca and Me.


Dora, Puppy & Rebecca

Dora, Puppy & Rebecca

I never thought the day would come but now only is Poppy back to laying eggs, she is doing it in the nesting boxes! Who would have thought!! Yes, that is poop in the boxes. Not only in Poppy laying there, she and Turbo are sleeping in them. The coop is huge. TONS of space for two hens. And my two Girls shove themselves into one little box (at the same time).

Poppy is laying the boxes! Yeah Poppy!

Poppy is laying the boxes! Yeah Poppy!



2 thoughts on “Snow in the ATL!

  1. Snow in the South hard to believe, it is still snowing in Mountain Brook,Al. Dad made it home but the car is staying on Mill Springs Road. He did very good getting it that far. Trent and Valerie were creeping down 459, I think Trent hoping to get to the BMW shop and pick up Ginger’ s four wheel drive. It is pretty but you know it freeks out the people living here, rain is a challenge. Happy to hear the girls are getting the idea of the coop. Stay safe. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee

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