Good Day Reader’s!
Are you as happy as I am that it is Saturday Caturday? I hope so! It was nice to sleep in a bit. I was up at 8am to go let The Girls out of their coop. There have been coyote sighting around the neighborhood the last few weeks and I have been worrying about them. I have been making sure to lock them up nice and tight at night.
To say that they were ready to come out was an understatement. As Timber and I walked up to The Majestic, you could hear them chattering. Yesterday when I went to check for eggs I found two!! Turbo is now laying again. I had been asking her when she was going get off her butt and get back to work. I guess she just likes to make me wait. Another good thing is that she too is now laying in the nesting boxes. So proud of my Girls. It is time for me to do a little early spring cleaning in The Majestic. I am going to get more straw and sand for them. Since they like the sleep inside the nesting boxes, they are going to need to be freshened up more than usual.
After we grabbed some lunch at Antico Pizza, we headed to Lowes and I bought supplies for the coop/run. My Man was nice enough to hang a sign my mother-in-law had sent me a few years ago. It was in our kitchen but this morning I took at look at it thought it needed to be hung on the Majestic.
The Boy and I then got to work spreading the straw around the run and cleaning out the coop. The girls went crazy with all the new straw in the run. I think they will be busy all day scratching away at it.
Did I mention how nice it outside today? It is in the 60’s and the sun is out. I may even open the screened in porch for the cats so they can enjoy the birds and the smell of spring. I hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday. Be Good! Be Safe!
Great pics.
I like having neighbors with egg laying chickens
Funny how that works…snowing here today!…dang girlfriend you can have it back!! Lol:) I shouldn’t complain as our little town is hosting the BC Winter Games right now. You still enjoying the Olympics…hehe says the girl from Canada;)
I saw the ladies hockey game live and couldn’t believe my eyes! I have enjoyed watching but am ready for my shows to be back on.
The coop looking good, have a good Sunday. Love you lots,lots,lots Momee
Yay! The sign found it’s home.
The coop looks good, Shay! Love that you having nice spring weather. It was almost the high of sixty on Saturday and was snowing Sunday afternoon. We will take any nice weather we can get even if it is only for one day. Have a fabulous week!