Whatcha Listening To?

Band of Horses-Live at The Ryman
We have been big fans of Band of Horses for years now. My Man and I have seen them about four times and The Boy has seen them once. Last month when we went to Nashville and visited the Ryman, we saw that they had played a show there recently. I was super excited when about a week ago I saw that they released an acoustic album of the songs they played there over two nights. I LOVE this album. I love the reworking of the songs especially The Funeral and Older. So, so good. I also love how after almost every song they are like “thanks y’all! or Thank you so much!.” Such nice boys. Check it out!

Hoizer-Take Me to Church EP
I know nothing about Hoizer. Well, I just google him and apparently he his from Ireland so I know he has one hell of a sexy accident. That counts for something right? Anyway, I heard his song Take Me to Church on XM radio and really liked it. The EP contains a total of four songs and I like all of them! From what I read, it looks like he is hitting it big in Ireland and starting to tour in Europe as well. Maybe he will soon hit the states and release a full length album. So far I like what I hear!
Whatcha Reading?

Cockroaches- Jo Nesbo
I know I have mentioned Jo Nesbo before on a pervious Whatcha Reading. Since he is originally from Norway not all of his books get released in English in order. He became pretty popular in the US when Snowman came out and since then they have been translating his older books in the Harry Hole series. Cockroaches is one of them. I am about half way through and am enjoying it just as I have all of his books. Even with all his faults (he has many) Harry Hole is a character you can’t help cheering for.

Still Life with Bread Crumbs- Anna Quindlen
Rebecca Winter was once a famous photographer, and, with any luck, she will be again. Having achieved surprising early success with her feminist “Kitchen Counter” collection, Rebecca, now 60, finds herself on fame and fortune’s flip side. With her former torrent of royalties dwindling to a trickle, Rebecca has been forced to give up her perfect Manhattan apartment for a paltry upstate cabin, and with marauding raccoons, stray dogs, and trigger-happy hunters, life in the country is proving to be no walk in Central Park. Luckily, Rebecca still has her camera, and she soon finds inspiration for new work in unexpected places, often in the company of a bird-watching roofer named Jim, whose quiet companionship proves to be just the balm she needs to fully embrace her unfamiliar surroundings.
What got me to read the book in first place was that the main character was once a famous photographer. Being that many moons ago I dreamed of being a famous photographer, I thought it would be a good read. And it was. Don’t think it is all about photography, it is a story of a woman, in her 60’s (she is not written like any 60 year woman I know) trying to kick-start her life again. Who of us hasn’t had to do that two or three times?

Stella Bain-Anita Shreve
From Publishers Weekly
Shreve’s 17th novel is a tragic yet hopeful story of love, memory, loss, and rebuilding. A young woman wakes up with amnesia in a battlefield hospital tent in Marne, France, in 1916. She thinks her name is Stella Bain, and she thinks she knows how to nurse and drive an ambulance. As she recovers, she returns to duty in this new environment, caring for the wounded and dying. When she arrives in the city exhausted and destitute, she’s discovered in a park by a doctor’s wife, who takes her in. The doctor, Augustus Bridge, is a cranial surgeon with an interest in psychiatry. Stella becomes a €œquasi-patient€; he finds a way to get her into the Admiralty, and, when a former friend recognizes her by name, her memories return, including the fact that she has children—and the reason why she left them. The amnesia and its cause are only part of the story; the lack of understanding at the time of the consequences of witnessing the horrors of war, for both men and women, also plays a key role.
I love reading historical fiction and this one did not disappoint!!
Readers, what album can you not stop listening too? What book can you not put down?
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Been reading the “Doc Ford” books by Randy Wayne White… Listening to Jamestown Revival, Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, Lee Harvey Osmond who is Tom Wilson of Blackie.., Roseanne Cash. Beck’s newest… I tried getting into the Harry Hole books but just couldn’t stick it out
Gonna give that music a listen. I’m currently, as in when I find 5 minutes to indulge, reading One Great Year by Tamara Veitch…went to school with her. This book was in the oscar suite, preaward show, for the actors to take! Kinda cool. Also read The Fault in our Stars and The Giver recently