Readers! For yesterday’s chemo treatment I thought I would wear one of my new scarfs and wear some make up. So fancy. What do you think? So pretty! I love the soft pink of the lace. My Man came to the hospital with me today. I took little cat naps. Due to the study they have to check my vitals every 15 minutes for 2 hours! So you really don’t get to get a good nap while you have to open you math for a thermometer and hear monitor.
The infusion center go pretty full while we were there. It is crazy how cold they make it in there. I had a sweatshirt on and two warm blankets. I think next time I will have to wear a warmer jacket. I brought my iPad to read my new book.
I finished The Silkworm and am now reading Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. So far it is pretty good. I have read many of her is the past and have enjoyed them all. They all take place in Australia so there is a lot of tea drinking going one just like in The Silkworm. makes me want some hot tea!
I thought about down loading a movie or tv show to watch but could find anything that I was interested in. There are TV shows but I know I will get hooked and end up buying the whole season.Am I ready for that commitment? Maybe I should just bite the bullet. Any movie suggestions? Any TV suggestions?
This morning I went in bright and early and got what I am calling my “booster” shot. My immune system will be going crazy after this second dose and the shot should help me level out and not get too sick. I was super tired driving there (along with having serious stomach cramps) but luckily it didn’t take to long at all (so speedy). The shot was given to me in my stomach and then I was free to go. I came home and proceeded to take an hour nap. I had hoped the shot would have given me some extra energy but not so. Pus the stomach cramps are back. I took some pills for that which will hopefully kick in soon.
I am going in to my office to look at some paperwork and then I am treating myself and getting my nails done. Hope the nap was long enough to keep me awake! Have a Happy Wednesday Readers!
Show us a picture of your nails they are usually quite different. Had my hair cut and as usual they puffed so came home and washed it, the hair cut looks good. Glad you took a nap be careful driving. Do you have to go and have blood taken tomorrow? Live you lots,lots,lots Momee
PS live your new scarf.
Sorry you are so tired…it really sucks, doesn’t it? by the time I had my third chemo I was falling asleep at my desk..hell..I fell asleep in the middle of a meeting.. I know you want to keep going, but take those naps…your body needs the rest.
Lovely scarf! You look great too. Hard to believe what you are going through by looking a your beautiful pictures. Cancer sucks but it is not holding you down! You go girl!