Good Day Readers!
How are you this Monday? I am actually feeling ok. That is big! Huge! Friday I was a mess. Worse day yet. I was down and out for the count. I mainly laid on the couch and tried n to move. Everything hurt. My ears hurt. My toes, my back, my side, my head…oh my bloody head! Massive headache along with a sore throat and clogged ears. My ears!? What is up with that? They have been feeling clogged/stuff etc. almost everyday now. I have heard about other people on the same chemo I am on that also suffer from it. So annoying.
Saturday I felt better until the afternoon. Then my stomach started acting up. Ugh. Grab the tummy meds! Grab the wastebasket! Have I mentioned the sweating? Ick. I am sweating so much during the day/night. We have maroon sheets on the bed and this weekend you could see white sweat lines on them! Gross! I wake up during the night hair soaking wet, shirt and pants wet and wet stain on the pillow. I move closer to My Man to get to a dry spot until I bump up against him. Not fun. Sticky. When I do wake up, I feel like I have run a marathon, sweat and all.
Finally on Sunday I broke out of it (mostly). I had my energy back! Woot! I vacuumed, mopped the pets bathroom floor, cleaned the pets bathroom, put The Boys clothes away, put my clothes (that were piling up so high) away, cleaned the gross shower, cleaned up the kitchen, did work to get ready for work today. And more! I was energized bunny, sweating my entire way through the whole day. I could not stop sweating. Thank goodness My Man had taken The Boy to see a movie so they have to see my hot mess self. It felt so nice to have energy, to do something.
My Man was kind enough to change the (gross) sheets last night so I had some fresh one to gross up. Today I went into the office for work. Shocker! I had a face to face meeting and was worried how I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I had my moments when all I wanted to go was pack up my car, drive home and go to bed. But I kept on going! Go Bunny Go! The meeting went well, I got caught up on some work and I felt like I accomplished something.
Look what I found when I got home!
How cool is that?! Super cool! Thank you Andy and Dee. You people rock! Can’t wait to see you on Friday! I also received some beautiful flowers from my Great Aunt Doras. She is my GREAT Aunt. She is in her 90’s and is thinking of me. She Rocks!!
Have a wonderful night Readers. Be Good and Stay Classy.
I wish there was something I could do but look at it this way all of toxins are coming out through your pores, bad toxins. It was wonderful that Aunt Doras sent the flowers makes you happy. No more chemo this week your body will have a chance to rest. Take care love you lots,lots,lots Momee
Look at how beautiful you look in that fancy shirt. You rock!!!