Turbo is a Mess!

Oh. No.

Oh. No.

Readers! Poor Turbo is a mess! She is molting right now and not looking her best at all. I feel so bad for her. Zazzles and Terrance Peterson are not molting right now and are looking very nice and I know this has got to be bothering her. They have yet to ever go through a molting so I am sure they are freaked out by the way she looks. Eek!

New feathers coming in.

New feathers coming in.

This week has been pretty good. I have gone back to the office for work. My long time assistant has had to leave me for a full-time job so all week she has been training my new assistant. She has done a wonderful job. It is so sad to see her go, she has been with me for over seven years! Tomorrow my new assistant will be in the office by herself since I will be heading to see Dr. D about my scans on Monday.  I know she will do a great job. I can’t believe I had my scans on Monday. Seems like it has been much longer.


My appointment with Dr. D is at 10:30pm. I have been trying not to think of it. I am still worried that the NP didn’t read them right and I won’t be getting the good news I am hoping for. My pain level has gotten much better which makes me think the tumors have shrunk but I still worry.

The Boy

The Boy

The Boy got his school pictures back today. Not too sure what I think about the “wet” hair look but whatever. I think he looks so grown up. How time is flying.

My sister-in-law will be traveling down from MI this weekend to help My Man, The Boy and I out next week. I have warned her that I won’t be at my best. The first two days of chemo aren’t too bad, but as the week moves on, I start to unravel. I am planning on doing a big grocery store run to make sure we have enough food in the house. We have been lucky enough to have friends, Christy and Geri, who have sent us Instead of Flowers. We are able to pick out meals and pick a date for them to be delivered to us. We got one order today. So cool! Thanks y’all.

My friend Lisa also dropped off some awesome dinners for us last week. We froze one of them to eat next week. So we have two dinners down!

The weather has started to cool down just in time for Halloween. If you are the type who dresses up (I am not) have a great time!

Be Good! Be Safe!

4 thoughts on “Turbo is a Mess!

  1. Glad Robin is coming down makes me feel better you will have someone to help out.
    I hope we don’t run into snow on our trip North, though it is a Christmas show.
    Turbo does look well not her finest she will come out looking awesome.
    Love you lots,lots,lots Momee

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