What’s Next?

I encourage everyone to continue to follow this blog. I won’t be as prolific as Shay was. But, we will be keeping Shay’s memory alive and honoring her spirit in different ways (the 24 hours of booty ride, for instance.) This is where I will share that information in the future.
I’ll also use this blog to share information about the journey that Aidan and I are going to take together. Some of that stuff will be personal. Some of it will be of a more practical nature. I’ll tell you what happens when you need to shop at the cemetery and how to cancel a lease car for a deceased spouse. Stuff like that. I am blessed to have so many amazing friends and family to support me. My hope is that maybe someone who isn’t so fortunate will discover the blog when they need it and find that information helpful.


7 thoughts on “What’s Next?

  1. Justin, I am glad to hear your are going to continue to blog. I did fear losing touch with your lives, and I so want to stay connected. And help in any way I can. Yay!

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