We have GREAT Friends!!

We have great friends. We just do. Saturday My Man and I went out to dinner with our friends Chad and Kristen. Chad just turned the big (not really big) 35 and we went to 4th and Swift to celebrate. My Man and I had never been there and were looking forward to it. I took a nap in the afternoon and took a lot medicine so I could make it through dinner. It was all very Yummy!

C & K bought me a cook book that has lots of yummy recipes in it and some lotion for me while I am going through Chemo. After looking through the cook book on Sunday, I told my parents that they will be doing some cooking while I am at the hospital. The book lists recipes for every icky feeling one might be going through. Plus it tells you what you should be eating while in the hospital to keep your strength up before the side effects kick in. Chad told me they went to the mall and told the Clinique saleswoman what I was going through and this is the lotion she suggested. I am forcing myself not to use any yet.


For The Boys birthday, his Uncle Adam was cool enough to send him a pair of Skull Candy headphones. They rock. So I asked My Man if he would ask Adam to send me a pair for the hospital trip. Adam works for Astro Gaming and his company does design work for Skull Candy. Well, he sent us four pair!! WOW! They are sooo cool. I will guarantee that there will be a bit of a fight over them. But I call the cool blue Paul Frank pair. They will workout perfectly when I watch movies and True Blood on my iPad.

Skull Candy!

Skull Candy!

Rebecca got me four new skull scarves to wear. With them and the headphones, I will be rockin’!! So, as of 4:15pm, no news on the port placement. It has to be tomorrow I guess. Have a good night!!

5 thoughts on “We have GREAT Friends!!

  1. You certainly do have wonderful friends, Shay! The Clinique Body Butter so wonderful! Love the headsets! I bet Aidan loves them too. Can’t wait to see the skull scarves. Have a good night! XOXO

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