Matt’s Chemo Bags

Hey Reader’s! It’s Product Review Time!

My friend Calanit gave me a Matt’s Chemo Bag after I got home from the hospital. Who is Matt and what is in his bag you ask? Well, first of all, Matt is a kick ass son, that is who he is. Check out his website, Matt’s Chemo Bags, to read how he started his company after his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. As for his bags….They rock!

Matt's Chemo Bag!

Matt’s Chemo Bag!

I know pink is breast cancer’s color but cancer is cancer and all kinds suck! Everything in the bag works for anyone with cancer or who is having to spend time in the hospital for that matter.

Full of Goodies!

Full of Goodies!

I love the socks! At night I put lotion on my foot (yes, foot) and then slip on a sock. The bag came with two pairs. Also in the bag is chap stick, lotion, playing cards, two note books, a cute scarf, moist wipes, nail filer, cute little pocket tissue holders and more!

Boob Pillow

Boob Pillow

I call this my boob pillow. The area where my port is, is right above my right boob and that sucker was sore. The pillow helps when it when in came time to sleep. This will definitely be in my hospital bag next week.

So Soft!

So Soft!

This blanket came in handy a few times last week when I spent the night on the couch due to my problems falling asleep. Another item that will be in my hospital bag.

I would totally recommend getting anyone you know who is dealing with cancer or spending time in the hospital a Matt’s Chemo bag. What a wonderful gift to put a smile on your family or friends face!

If you have any product review suggestions, please let me know! Leave a comment or contact me at 


3 thoughts on “Matt’s Chemo Bags

  1. I watched Betsy McGaughy (sp?), former NY Lt. Gov. and M.D., explain that the best thing to give to a hospitalized friend/relative is a canister of antibacterial wipes. The visitor should wipe down ALL surfaces which the patient might contact…i.e. tray table, faucets, toilet handles, drawer pulls, call button,…everything. She claims it would save thousands of lives ea. yr.

    • Well, I gotta a lot of wipes…I will say at my hospital, there are anti bacteria sprays/soaps all over the place (along with signs saying to wash your hands!). They are all about killing germs!

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