Day 4 (maybe my last!) of the chemo Tour

Good day! How are you guys? I am doing ok. My Man and I had a good nights sleep thanks to RN Maggie. She was great! Very quiet. Justin said he even sleep pretty well. I have requested Maggie for tonight too. At the moment, I have having my 5th cycle of chemo. Only one more to go! That means, if all goes well, I will be going home sometime tomorrow! WOOT! WOOT! People!

We got up around 7:30am and kinda laid around. What else do you do? Around 8am I got cleaned up and into today’s PJ’s. My Man went to find a good cup of coffee and some yummy treats to share. Which was a good thing. The bagel I ordered was stale. Ick! I then got tired and slept on and off till about noon. Crazy how tired the meds they give you can make you. It’s not like I do much while I am here!

After I woke up, I talked to my Dad, who is installing a new screened in door on our screened in porch. He is also painting it red! (Thanks Dad!). The Boy was in the background giving him tips and making sure he was doing it right. Nice to know things haven’t change since I am gone. Talked to my Mom and she had been cleaning (THANK YOU) the house. She said all the kids are good but that Turbo my be going broody. She has never done this before. It is usually Poppy. It could be that they are both just hot, the weather has been crazy hot and humid here.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for The Boy. I am sad that I will miss it but happy I should be home when he gets home. I am afraid he is going to have a rude awaking when Nana Pete comes and wakes him up at 6am!

My Man and The Boy have come down for a visit. My Boy and I went for a walk around the floor and met some of the RN’s and staff. Now he is watching a movie on my iPad and My Man is on the computer. House Hunters International is on the TV. All we are missing is Panny, Simon and Timber!! I miss them all. I know that Panny would love sleeping on the bed with me. She would like it when I moved the bed up and down.

Reader’s! I hope you are havig a great day and living life large!!!

4 thoughts on “Day 4 (maybe my last!) of the chemo Tour

  1. I love your new scarves especially the new ones you ordered. Made the cucumber soap but you may need salt. See you tomorrow can’t wait.

  2. I may be the only one of your readers who gets this but I’ll never forget the first time one of our hens pulled this trick. Joan got on the ‘Net and did a search for ‘who knows what’, something to do with baby chickens, and was directed to a site called ‘’. Needless to say, the problem of what to do with a broody hen was not answered there.

  3. LOL gotta love unexpected search results…unless you are on a work computer… hope the rest of your day went as well as it started, Shay. Can’t wait for you to get home…

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