Well, Pickles! I spoke to soon…

Well, Pickles! I spoke to soon…

Guess where I am? If you guessed in my bed with a soft furry cat on me, one at my feet and a dog on the floor, well your wrong. Booo! I am still here at the hospital. I am done with the chemo but I have to get Mesna for 24 hours after the last dose of Ifos. Lots of people only have to get 12 hours and the attending thought that would be the same for me. But NOOOOO. SInce I am having such a heavy-duty dose of Isfos, I need to 24 hours. I will then get 4 hours of post hydration. This all being said, I won’t make it home till tomorrow.

Today I have been feeling pretty tired. This feels weird because I haven’t done anything! I know it is due to all the medication, but it is hard to deal with. I have no appetite but I now I need to eat something. They really need to work on the food here. Thankfully, My Man had been bringing me dinner. Ok, I will stop complaining now…

I spoke to my parents and The Boy made it to the bus and off to school.They said he was ready to see all his friends. I hope he is having a wonderful time and behaving. I look forward to hearing all about it however knowing him, he will have forgotten all of that. What is up with that?

Sorry for the short update. I think I will take a nap now.

4 thoughts on “Well, Pickles! I spoke to soon…

  1. well, that sure does hoover…. and I know you miss The Boy and the kids .. but just nap on through it all and it will be tomorrow before you even know.

  2. Timber hung out with Dad ,Pannie wanted to but I said no ,SImon visited with us this morning but went back to lower level. The Boy’s play space has been vacuum and paper picked up for now. Waiting to pick The Boy up so chilling with Timber. See you soon!

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