Um? Where’s my Chemo?

Roll Tide Roll Saturday!

Happy Saturday Reader’s

I am tired Reader’s. I did not have a good night sleep last night. The RN last night (Tiffany & Maggie were off) gave me a pill to fall asleep. Now, I have no idea of the names of most of the medications I take. I call tell you what the they do and if a pill, what they look like but the name, no idea. So when she gave me a pill I was like what is this? I thought it was a pain pill for my little spill I had earlier in the day. She said no, it was a sleeping pill (I had already taken it). I told her that my sleeping meds where always given to me via my port. It is listed in my records. At that point, there wasn’t much I could do. The pill did not really work well. It took me forever to fall asleep and I was in and out of it more than the night before. It also left me kind of fuzzy and my face was all red this morning. Plus the bags under my eye have bags!

But the worse thing was that she didn’t realize I need to have my premeds at 6am and chemo at 6:30am. She came in at 4am to change one of the IV bags and then again later, not sure the time, to do something. At that time I asked if it was my chemo and she said no. Well, the next time she came in was for shift change at 7:15am. I was like, I was supposed to have my premeds and then chemo at 6:30am. She was like “what?”.  I know it is all written down in the records on the computer and I was here when Theo told her. Anyway, I got my chemo and I don’t think it will push me back to much but it was a bit disheartening. My Man was not happy. I think I may have her again tonight. None of my favorite are working tonight.

So, I finally told a RN that I had a little “fall” late yesterday. Well, I my chart is now marked! I am a true “fall risk”. She even called my doctor an told him. So embarrassing. He came around to see me today and was like “what happen”. Ugh. Well, yesterday I put ice in one of the blue gloves (from the five boxes in my room), and iced it. It did hurt. I was able to get my prosthetic on but it I could feel it. This morning it the swelling had gone down some and I was up and walking around but later when I took it off, there was bruising. Pickles. Oh well. I showed it to the doctor and he didn’t seem to worried. It does feel better.

I had visitors today! Rebecca and Devra drove done, as did Kristen and Baby K! She isn’t a baby any more, she is 2! She and her mama brought me breakfast. Thank you! It was a fun visit. Lots of laughing. My Man came back and then left again to get lunch. He brough back Bone Garden Cantina! Yummy. The Boy and my parents are on their was back from Montgomery. The Tri-Athlon was a success! The Boy was very happy to see his cousins. I can’t wait to see him!



7 thoughts on “Um? Where’s my Chemo?

  1. Oh sounds so frustrating! Hopefully tonight goes better for you. How many days do you have to be in the hospital? I hope my chemo will be an out patient thing. Finally seeing oncologist Sept 17.
    Take care of that leg:)

    • Tammy- I should be able to go home on Tuesday. Due to the chemo, every 12 hours, plus all the other medication, it is much eaiser for me just to be at the hospital. I do however miss Hotel Yorba very much while I am here. My fingers are crossed for your appointment! PS- Mailed your key chain out on Tuesday. Had to fill out a customs form!!

  2. Shay, what was wrong with that RN–I would have been furious with her. Obviously, she does not know how to read. You have so many RNs that you really like and they know what they are doing. Hopefully, you can have a heart to heart with her from last night and set her straight or maybe Justin can have a “discussion” with her and set her straight. I hope all goes better tonight. Lots of good thoughts are coming your way!

  3. It makes you wonder what the problem is when they do not read the patients file. We made it back Atlanta stopping to see you. We have collapsed. Have a great evening watching football. Book read,yea . Love you lots, Momee

  4. Any time something seems off like that, ask her to double check your file. If you are uncomfortable with any nurse, ask questions .. Or. Ask for a different nurse. They are, after all, working for you. Glad it wasn’t delayed so much you would have to stay longer… Hoping tonite goes better

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